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Nothing Brought to the Realm of Law


Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) assessing the Presidential Chief of Staff, Moeldoko, anti-criticism. ICW asks Moeldoko to imitate his attitude President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) which is called open to criticism.

“Because he is a KSP official, there are many public officials who have advised Mr. Moeldoko that he as an official should then be criticized and reflected on. Until then (not impressed) it becomes ‘nothing to bring to the realm of law’,” said the lawyer ICW Muhammad Isnur to reporters, Friday (6/8/2021).

Isnur gave an example of Jokowi’s attitude that is not anti-criticism that should be imitated by Moeldoko. For example, he said, when Jokowi was labeled ‘The King of Lips Service’ by the University of Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM UI) some time ago.

“Pak Jokowi is an example in my opinion. He (Jokowi) must have said that he has been criticized, insulted, etc., and he did not take this to court. like that, “said Isnur.

“We still remember Pak Jokowi when UI gave a ‘lips service’ stamp, instead he then encouraged the campus to protect BEM UI. Pak Moeldoko as the head of KSP, who served Pak Jokowi took the example of Pak Jokowi,” he added.

He said Moeldoko continued to plan to criminalize ICW because of accusations of ‘promotion’ of the drug Ivermectin and the rice export business will have a bad impact. The impact, said Isnur, will reach Jokowi’s image as head of state.

“Of course, the actions taken by Mr. Moeldoko will also bring up the image of the president. We can say that Mr. Moeldoko’s continued desire to criminalize ICW and others is part of the silence,” he said.

As is known, the Presidential Chief of Staff, Moeldoko, sent a second subpoena to ICW within 3×24 hours. ICW was asked to prove the allegations and apologize or withdraw statements regarding findings related to the promotion of Ivermectin and the rice export business. Otherwise, Moeldoko will report ICW to the police.

“We give enough time to 3×24 hours. Mr. Moeldoko is very kind, he said that there is enough time. Don’t say we are arbitrary, if 1×24 hours is not enough, we will give 3×24 hours. It’s important that he can prove it or not. Don’t make any accusations,” said Moeldoko’s lawyer, Otto Hasibuan, Thursday (5/8).

“If yesterday we gave 1×24 hours, maybe it wasn’t enough even though they had actually investigated for a month, Mr. Moeldoko said to give him another chance, give him a chance to prove whether Mr. Moeldoko is right or ICW is right,” he added.

He said ICW needed to prove where and from whom Moeldoko had benefited from the circulation of Ivermectin. In addition, ICW was asked to prove how Moeldoko exported rice.

“First, when, where did Mr. Meoldoko get involved in getting rent-seeking and profiting in the circulation of Ivermectin if there was a profit, who gave to give profit, gave rent to Mr. Meoldoko. Second, when and where and with whom and in what way, sir? Moeldoko cooperates with PT NoorPay to export rice,” said Otto.

Watch the video ‘Moeldoko is ready to take responsibility if ICW’s allegations are proven to be true’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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