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Note! These are 6 car criteria that can still be filled with Pertalite fuel

Firda Dwi MuliawatiCNBC Indonesia


Monday, 20/02/2023 11:10 WIB

Photo: Residents fill up gas at the Kuningan Rasuna Said gas station area, Jakarta, Tuesday, 28/June/2022. PT Pertamina (Persero) through its subsidiary PT Pertamina Patra Niaga plans to arrange the purchase of Special Assignment Types of Fuel Oil (BBM) such as Pertalite and also Subsidized Solar BBM. (CNBC Indonesia/Muhammad Sabki)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia The government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has presented the latest proposals for criteria for consumers who are entitled to consume subsidized fuel oil (BBM) or certain types of fuel (JBT), namely kerosene (Kerosene) and subsidized diesel fuel, as well as special types of fuel assignments ( JBKP) namely Pertalite (RON 90).

The Director General of Oil and Gas (Dirjen Migas) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tutuka Ariadji, revealed that this latest proposal would be included in the Revision of Presidential Regulation No. 191 of 2014 concerning the Provision, Distribution and Retail Selling Prices of Oil Fuel (BBM).

Tutuka said that Presidential Decree No. 191 of 2014 had not yet regulated which consumers had the right to fill Pertalite BBM. Therefore, his party is now proposing criteria for consumers who have the right to fill in Pertalite BBM because this is related to the Type of Special Assignment BBM which also involves the state budget because of compensation to State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), namely Pertamina if the selling price to the public is lower than the economic price. .

He explained, in the proposed revision of Presidential Regulation No.191/2014, his party proposed consumers who could use Pertalite (RON 90) fuel, namely small industries, agricultural businesses, fishing businesses, transportation, and public services.

“In addition to JBT kerosene and diesel oil in the proposed amendment to the attachment to Presidential Decree 191, there are additional JBKP commodities or RON 90 gasoline where the consumer sector includes small industries, fishing businesses, agricultural businesses, transportation and public services,” he explained in a joint hearing meeting Commission VII DPR RI, Jakarta, Tuesday (14/2/2023).

Meanwhile for the subsidized JBT Solar type, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources proposes that this subsidized fuel can be used by the small industrial sector, fishing businesses, agricultural businesses, land transportation, sea transportation, rail transportation, and public services.

There are additional proposals for consumers who are entitled to fill in the subsidized Solar compared to what has been regulated in Presidential Decree 191/2014. In Presidential Decree 191/2014, consumers who are entitled to fill in subsidized Solar include micro businesses, fishing businesses, agricultural businesses, transportation, and public services.

“For the sectors that use diesel oil, small industries, fishing businesses, agricultural businesses, land transportation, sea transportation, rail transportation, and public services,” he added.

Are private vehicles prohibited from using Pertalite or JBKP?

Tutuka said that his party also regulated the types of vehicles that were entitled to receive Pertalite. The determination of eligible consumers is aimed at making fuel subsidies more targeted. “Yes, JBKP, we (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources) also arrange JBKP, the point is to be right on target,” he said when met at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta, Tuesday (14/2/2023).

Tutuka said that his party would consider whether private vehicles were also regulated in the criteria for consumers who were entitled to receive JBKP or Pertalite fuel. “JBKP, yes, we are personal, we will consider the right target,” he said.


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