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“Not strong with numbers and logic!” – The Daily Standard

For months, pollster Maurice de Hond has been conducting his own corona studies, and on the basis of this has been bombarding the RIVM and the GGD with many suggestions for what he sees as fundamental misconceptions in their approaches. But today the social geographer focuses his sights on Prime Minister Rutte himself. Someone who “is not very strong with numbers and logic”, says De Hond.

Over the past year, we have seen pollster Maurice de Hond from a whole new angle: as a one-man research institute that tries to uncover the truth about the spread of the corona virus. This is mainly done via aerosols and air ventilation systems, according to De Hond. And as long as the RIVM and the GGD do not recognize this, the government will build policy on incorrect assumptions. This makes people unnecessarily ill and unnecessarily damages the economy, he claims.

In a blog post that the researcher posted today, he once did not go against the state medical institutes, but turned directly to Prime Minister Rutte. A man with “many qualities,” says a somewhat cynical De Hond, but “not that strong with numbers and logic.” De Hond substantiates this the following way:

“If he receives data from the RIVM / OMT then he is apparently not really able to assess the quality of it. Because if he could, he would never again use the reproduction factor as an argument in his press conferences. And had he not repeated the nonsense of the OMT with regard to the infections that should have taken place in the stadium during Atalanta Bergamo-Valencia. ”

De Hond spends the rest of the blog post discussing the tuberculosis epidemic of the 1980s. Such a historical example must be a piece of cake for the prime minister, the pollster thinks, given the fact that Mark Rutte is a graduated historian. Because the return of TB was also made possible some forty years ago by the same spread option that De Hond holds responsible for the corona virus: inadequate ventilation.

De Hond now sees how history repeats itself, and major corona outbreaks still occur. These “could have been prevented for a long time if those involved at RIVM and OMT had also wanted to learn from history,” says the researcher: “So I appeal to Prime Minister Rutte, in his capacity as a historian, learn from history.”

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