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(Not) soft mobilization – which of the stars the TCC has already visited for concerts

Representatives of the TCC in Ukraine have launched mass raids – men are being checked in restaurants, concerts and clubs

Now Ukrainians can go to concerts of famous comedians, singers or musicians and get not only positive emotions, but also an agenda. TCCs marked the beginning of a new trend – men are now sought out not on the streets, but at cultural events.

It all started with a mass raid of the TCC after a concert by the band Okean Elzy, which took place at the Sports Palace in the capital. After this, such visits by TCC representatives to various concerts, performances and even nightclubs became commonplace.

The News Pro website tells you which concerts TCC representatives have already attended and how this may affect the holding of such events in the future.

Both visitors and musicians were taken from concerts at the TCC

The first to experience the TCC’s new methods of operation were the visitors to the Okeana Elzy concert. On the evening of October 11, after the end of the group’s grandiose performance, dozens of TCC representatives and police officers were waiting for fans on the street under the Sports Palace. The men’s documents were checked en masse and summonses were issued. Those who had certain problems with military registration documents were “offered” to go to the TCC. True, it was impossible to refuse such an “offer”.

But not the only “Elsa’s Ocean”. The inspection of the TCC in Kharkov became scandalous. There, right before the concert, members of three Ukrainian groups were taken away.

The concert was supposed to take place on the evening of October 12. Kyiv informal groups True Tough, Mordox and “Grunt Palae” were planning to perform on stage. This concert should become part of a charity tour in support of the Azov National Guard brigade. However, the musicians were taken away by representatives of the TCC and the police. The performance was cancelled.

On the official page of the band True Tough commented situation.

“We would like to note that only the participants of Mordox, True Tough and our cameraman (who is a member of “Grunt Palae”) were taken to the TCC for document verification. Also, two more locals were taken to the TCC, namely a sound engineer and a “volunteer” according to the man himself (the further fate of these two are unknown to us)”, – the message says.

They also noted that the TCC did their job, the musicians were not detained by force, but were simply asked to drive through and check their documents.

“In general, this is a common process that many Ukrainians go through and we are no exception,” – added in the group.

The Kharkov TCC does not comment on this situation. Instead they published messagewhere they noted that protecting the state is the constitutional duty of every citizen.

“Mobilization activities that are carried out in Ukraine take place within the framework of current legislation and meet the objective needs of the state’s defense from the aggressor,” – the message says.

They also added that the artificial hype around mobilization measures is purposefully inflated by Russian propaganda. And they emphasized that these are attempts by the enemy to cause a split between the military and civilians.

And the representatives of the TCC did not end this visit to concerts. Another raid took place in Brovary after a performance by the group “100litsa”.

At the exit from the city cultural center after the end of the concert, the TCC and the police were waiting for the men. According to eyewitnesses, at first the document check took place quite peacefully, but later the military began to drag the men into beads.

Videos that appeared online show several women trying to fight off a man from military personnel and police, after which the detainee manages to escape.

In addition, there was a quarrel between representatives of the TCC and law enforcement officers with an employee of the cultural center. The woman asked to return a colleague who had to finish his work day. However, the man was “packed” into a bead.

IN social networks people are actively commenting on this situation.

“What can we do if there are no volunteers? The guys at the “zeros” wait a year and a half or more for a replacement, and the majors rest in restaurants and clubs, or is it just a war of the poor?” – wrote Alla Kutz.

“With this attitude towards our people by others at the command of the authorities, we are very quickly approaching civil war,” – noted Leonid Shein.

“They saved my mother’s little rag, and they are happy. Will they be just as happy when the little rags come?” – commented Ruslan Osadchuk.

“Come to your senses and think about how much use there is in someone who is taken by force to the front line, or does it matter who and how?” – wrote Inna Boyarchuk.

Brovary TCC and JV does not comment on this situation.

​​​TCC raid after a stand-up comedian’s performance

Not only musicians’ concerts, but also stand-up performances were targeted by the TCC. In particular, such guests attended the concert of comedian Anton Timoshenko, which took place at the Cherkassy Regional Philharmonic.

The military, together with the police, checked the documents of the men leaving after the concert. They found out whether their military registration data was updated.

So far, neither the comedian nor representatives of the TCC have commented on this situation.

Under videowhere TCC employees are seen checking the documents of men at the Philharmonic, a whole discussion ensued.

“It’s quite a controversial question. But what to do when in the evening all the cafes and restaurants in Cherkasy are filled with healthy, strong migrants from the east and, over a glass of strong drink, they wait for their homes to be vacated by guys from the western part of Ukraine? I’m not hinting at anything, but somehow it turns out this way… Perhaps it offended someone, it was unintentional, well, what’s the solution,” – wrote Mykola Kramarenko.

“Instead of motivation and social benefits, ordinary men are forced to the front. Although security forces, judges, prosecutors, and private security guards have reservations,” – noted Victoria Vysochina.

“They call you to the military registration and enlistment office, you need to come and undergo a medical examination to update your data, and not run to hide,” – wrote Maria Reich.

People were also outraged by such actions of the TCC, because Anton Timoshenko at his concerts collects and donates considerable funds for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Let us add that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Tymoshenko has been actively raising funds for the needs of the Ukrainian army. The artist single-handedly closed several fundraisers with volunteer performances. And in July of this year, Tymoshenko went on a tour of the United States and Canada, from where he brought 11 million hryvnia to cover the needs of the military.

“Surprises” in restaurants, gyms and clubs

TCC began organizing massive raids throughout the country. We visited nightclubs, restaurants, and gyms. Such mobilization events are held in large cities – Vinnitsa, Lvov, Kyiv, Dnieper, Kharkov, Odessa and only.

The visit of TCC representatives to a restaurant in Lvov became scandalous. They were just celebrating a wedding there. Within half an hour, the military left the hall amid cries of “shame.”

Very nearby, in the Bukovel ski resort, TCC workers also checked the military registration documents of vacationers. In addition, we visited a restaurant in Yaremche and a car depot near Ivano-Frankivsk. No conflicts were reported during these audits.

A dinner with an unplanned ending also occurred in several elite restaurants in Kharkov. TCC visited there to check the men’s documents. Eyewitnesses report that some of them were taken into beads.

In Kyiv, the Avalon restaurant and an establishment located in the elite Goodwine store came into view of the TCC. The network also reported that the military personnel visited the Kyiv Car Fest, which took place near the Retroville shopping center in the capital.

They went even further in Dnepr – TCC and SP employees, together with the police, blocked the street with catering establishments and nightclubs in the central part of the city for two hours to check military registration documents and passports. Men who refused to present documents were detained.

Such a wave did not bypass Odessa either. There, TCC employees en masse checked documents in restaurants on Deribasovskaya.

Can TCC raids affect live performances of artists?

The situation with the recent increase in mass raids of the TCC was commented on by the Ukrainian military and stars.

Those who are now defending Ukraine mostly support the actions of the TCC. This is argued by the fact that such measures will increase the pace of mobilization.

Serviceman Igor Guryev supported TCC raids and added that this should have been done even earlier.

“Looking through the feed, everything is the same as before the 24th… Men are organizing their lives, making blogs about cooking and new establishments in tektoks, celebrating some holidays… But at some point they comment on the actions of the TCC, when the TCC is like Once we finally started working in the right direction,” – noted Igor Guryev.

He also added that some men hide behind the “economic front.”

“TCCs work this way because you didn’t come to them. Because without this, in your bars they will drink to Gazmanov. Because you forgot that there is a war going on. Because the handyman Nikolai is no worse than the designer Seryozha,” – the military man wrote.

The situation with the TCC raids commented rapper and soldier Alexander Yarmak. He emphasized that the quality of work of recruits and those “who are being ragged on the streets” cannot be compared.

“A system of aggression will never work. This is my subjective opinion. Only in a system of freedom and creativity can some truly amazing results be achieved,” – said Yarmak.

He also added that he does not see results from people who are forced to go to war.

After the TCC raids, Ukrainians discussed the possible cancellation of the next concerts of famous artists. They say that singers will be afraid to take risks, and people will not buy tickets and go to performances.

Well-known presenter Slava Demin believes that the TCC raids will not affect the holding of cultural events in Ukraine. He noted that only those who had problems with documents were detained at concerts.

“I think that just the artists and their management, and the organizers, will also observe how these so-called raids will develop further. And time will tell. Because, for example, being at the third concert of “Ocean Elzy”, I did not see any one representative of the TCC or the police. Accordingly, as I understand it, it was a one-time action,” – he added.

Well-known producer Vadim Lisitsa also said that these raids can indeed frighten, but only those who break the law.

He noted that the question of the existence of Ukraine is now being resolved, without which culture will not exist, so such measures are justified.

Opinion among civilian Ukrainians on strengthening mobilization measures and conducting raids was divided.

Someone justifies such actions by the TCC, arguing that it is the restoration of justice. Like, why should some Ukrainians fight, while others sit in expensive restaurants or relax at concerts?

Other citizens, on the contrary, condemn the actions of the TCC, explaining that Ukraine is a free country, therefore it is wrong to mobilize people directly from the streets, concerts or restaurants.

We previously wrote about how the Okean Elzy group found itself at the epicenter the scandal via TCC. We also reported that the members of the Ukrainian group were taken to the TCC directly from the stage.

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