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Not only Vitamin C, consumption of these 3 vitamins is also important to increase endurance – all pages

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Bobo.id – Maintaining immunity or immunity is very important to do, my friends.

Our bodies already have an immune system that is in charge of fighting disease or harmful foreign substances that enter the body.

However, in order for the body’s immune system to get stronger, we also need to maintain immunity.

One way we can do to maintain a strong immune system is to eat foods with certain ingredients, such as vitamins.

Maybe friends have heard that eating foods that contain vitamin C is important for maintaining immunity.

But it turns out that in addition to vitamin C there are also other vitamins that can help maintain immunity.

Benefits of Vitamin C for Immunity

Before we find out other vitamins that can be used to maintain immunity, let’s find out about vitamin C first, let’s!

Vitamin C can help the body eradicate harmful microbes in the body, such as bacteria and viruses.

In addition, vitamin C plays a role in the production of important cells in the body that are included in the body’s immune system, such as white blood cells and phagocytes.

We can get vitamin C from various types of fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, strawberries, peppers, spinach, kale, and broccoli.

Also Read: Important for Immunity, Do not Lack of Vitamin C! Consumption of High Fruits and Vegetables

Benefits of Vitamin D for Immunity

Another vitamin that helps strengthen our immune system is vitamin D, friends.

In the body, vitamin D helps increase the number of immune cells responsible for eradicating disease cells.

Vitamin D also helps balance the immune system by reducing inflammatory cytokine chemicals.

Well, vitamin D is produced in our body. Our bodies process the formation of vitamin D with the help of sunlight in the morning.

Therefore, we can get used to sunbathing in the morning, which is 10 am, for about 15 minutes.

We can also get additional vitamin D intake from several types of food, such as salmon, sardines, herring, oysters, shrimp, and egg yolks.

Benefits of Vitamin B6 for Immunity

There are many types of B vitamins, my friends.

One of the important B vitamins in maintaining a strong immune system is vitamin B6.

This is because vitamin B6 plays a role in making immune cells. Vitamin B6 helps the body produce T-cells, which are body cells that help kill infected cells in the body.

Vitamin B6 also helps activate the immune response.

To get vitamin B6 intake, we can eat green vegetables, chicken, nuts, bananas, and salmon.

Also Read: These Easy Habits Can Strengthen Your Immunity! Already Doing It?

Benefits of Vitamin E for Immunity

Vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant. This can help fight infections in the body.

In addition, vitamin E can help protect the body from free radicals.

Too many free radicals in the body can cause cell damage that is at risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

You can get vitamin E from nuts, seeds, and spinach.

Also Read: These 5 things are often underestimated even though they can weaken the immune system, ever know?


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