kompas.com / PSBB Jakarta 14 September 2020
Corona virus (Covid-19) cases in Indonesia.
Grid.id – The corona virus pandemic outbreak does not only target adults and older people.
Even young people nor is it immune to this virus.
So, beware!
Also Read: Who Said Hand Sanitizer Can Kill Corona Virus? In fact There is More Powerful!
The report, from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is the result of an analysis of data from 50 states and districts in Colombia.
It found that 20 percent of cases between March and August occurred in the 20-29 age group, a higher percentage than for any other age group.
CDC also revealed a decrease in the average age of people infected with the virus, in May the average age of patients was 46 years, to 38 in August.
The increase in Covid-19 cases among young people often predates the outbreak in older adults
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