Extreme weather in the Solar System.
– – Extreme weather like heavy rain, high waveuntil storms on Earth can occur in other parts of the Solar System.
On Earth, extreme weather has a direct impact on humans and living things.
Maybe many people don’t know that on Planet Jupiter there are storms that are centuries old, until the strong winds that occur on Neptune.
However, with science, scientists can study the weather system that occurs in the Solar System.
Come on, find out how many types of extreme weather occur in the Solar System!
1. Hurricane 16,000 Kilometers on Jupiter
Major storms on Earth have a negative impact on the environment and the living creatures that are affected.
However, did you know that the biggest storms on Earth are not even bigger than the storms on Jupiter.
On Jupiter, we can find a giant storm whose size is about 16,000 kilometers, or 1.3 times wider than Planet Earth.
Also Read: Can Hit Satellite, Know the Bad Impact of Solar Storms on Earth