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Not Only Insects, These 6 Animals Are Famous For Their Busyness

Every human being in the world must have their own busyness. There are those who study, earn a living, take care of the house, and so on. Some people have busy schedules and lots of free time. On the other hand, there are those who are said to be constantly busy all day long to fulfill their obligations.

What about animals? When asked about which animal has a busy life, what comes to mind must be insects, such as ants, bees, or termites. However, what about other types of animals? It turns out there are also, you know, that are no less busy than insects. Here are 6 of them.

1. Celurut

Celurut (animals.net)

Shrubs are rat-like animals belonging to the family Soricidae. Although similar to mice, shrews are not rodents. They are insectivorous as well as invertebrate animals such as worms. Page Animal Diversity mentions that there are about 300 species of shrews scattered around the world.

Shrubs have a small size, almost the same as mice in general. However, their appetite is huge because they have a very high metabolism. Therefore, shrews are very busy looking for food. They are active during the day and at night. Apart from being on land, some species even forage for small fish in the water. Anyway, busy!

2. Beavers

Not Only Insects, These 6 Animals Are Famous For Their BusynessBeavers (newscientist.com)

Beavers are indeed rodents. There are two species of otter in the world, namely the North American otter (Castor canadensis) and Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). Like the shrew, the beaver is known to be a busy animal. However, they are not only busy looking for food, but building buildings.

Yes, beavers are like architects of the animal world. National Geographic mentions that groups of beavers work to block the flow of rivers to create small ponds that they like. With its sharp teeth as a rodent, the beaver gnaws the wood and twigs that make up the dam.

How big a dam can a beaver make? Page Mental Floss reported that a beaver dam in Canada recorded in 2007 was 850 meters long! It is thought that generations of beavers have been working on the dam since the 1970s. Extraordinary!

3. Emperor penguins

Not Only Insects, These 6 Animals Are Famous For Their BusynessEmperor penguins (nationalgeographic.com)

Not only mammals, several types of birds are also famous for their busyness. One of them is the emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) who are especially busy at the time of having children. Reported Animal Planet, the bustle of emperor penguins begins by walking 80 km from the sea to their breeding grounds.

After mating, the female emperor penguin returns to the ocean to forage for food, while the male incubates the eggs for about 64 days until they hatch. During this period, the male does not eat at all. However, after the baby hatches, the male must feed it a nutritious liquid produced from its esophagus.

When the female returned, they took turns. The mother will continue to care for and feed her baby, while the male will have to travel further to the sea to find food. Obviously, the emperor penguin is not only a busy bird, but also a very responsible parent!

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4. Arctic virgin

Not Only Insects, These 6 Animals Are Famous For Their BusynessArctic virgin (cornell.edu)

Arctic dove (Sterna paradisaea) has another kind of busyness, but no less extraordinary. National Geographic mentions that this bird travels the longest annual migratory distance of any animal. Unmitigated, the distance they cover every year can reach 96,000 kilometers, aka more than twice the circumference of the earth!

The distance they covered was due to arctic migrating from the North Pole to the South Pole, a journey that could take several months. This light-weight bird makes its journey more efficient by foraging for food while flying. In fact, they also mate while floating in the air!

5. Hamerkop

Not Only Insects, These 6 Animals Are Famous For Their BusynessHamerkop (southafrica.co.za)

There is also a hammercop bird (Scopus umbretta), a bird from Africa which is also called the hammerhead stork because of the unique shape of its head. In addition to its appearance, this bird is also known for its busyness in building nests. Page Maryland Zoo said that this bird has the largest nest among all birds in Africa.

Hamerkop makes nests using twigs, leaves, and other materials. When finished, this bird’s nest can measure 1.8 meters wide and 1.8 meters high and weigh 50 kg! It takes 3 to 4 months to build the nest and when it is no longer inhabited, the nest is often used by other birds such as owls, geese, and pigeons.

6. Wrasse cleaning

Not Only Insects, These 6 Animals Are Famous For Their BusynessThe cleaning wrasse is cleaning the body of a fish (oceana.org)

Not to forget, there are fish which are famous for their busyness. One of them is the cleaning wrasse, aka the type of wrasse fish belonging to the genus Labroides. The name cleaning wrasse is indeed suitable to be given to these fish because they tirelessly clean parasites and dead scales from various types of fish that live on coral reefs.

I was so diligent, wrasse cleaning to clean the fins, tail, and even the mouth of the fish. Of course, for self-cleaning wrasse, this activity is also profitable because they get food. The cleaning wrasse is part of a mutualistic symbiosis between them and other fish.

Those are 6 animals other than insects that are famous for their busyness. Each of them has a variety of activities, but all of them clearly show that even the animals are hard workers. We as humans certainly can’t lose and have to work hard!

Also Read: 5 Fish Species That Look Like Other Animals, There Are Giraffe Fish

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