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Not only delicious food, these 4 kitchen spices can prevent cancer, from garlic to ginger

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4 Examples of kitchen spices that can prevent cancer, one of which is cayenne pepper.

Bobo.idCancer is a dangerous disease and can cause death if not treated properly.

The emergence of cancer is caused by cells that divide uncontrollably, thus endangering the performance and other body functions.

But don’t worry, Indonesia has many spices that are efficacious in preventing cancer, lo!

Spices are often used as a spice in the kitchen and a mixture of ingredients to make food more delicious.

Come on, note down what spices can prevent the following cancer:

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1. Turmeric

Turmeric is an essential ingredient for making curry and yellow dye in food.

Therefore, turmeric is a spice that is widely used in Asian cuisine, including Indonesia.

In fact, turmeric is dubbed a super food or superfood because it contains a lot of important substances that are useful for human health.

The reason for choosing turmeric as a food ingredient to treat cancer is thanks to the curcumin content in it.

Curcumin is the yellow pigment derived from turmeric and is one of the three known curcuminoids in turmeric.

Curcumin has shown tremendous anti-cancer benefits.

Expert research results show residents in countries where people eat turmeric daily, which is about 100 to 200 mg over a long period of time, show lower rates of developing certain types of cancer.

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2. Garlic

Next, there are kitchen spices garlic which can prevent cancer.

Garlic is abundant and is often used in all kinds of dishes.

Garlic contains a variety of important compounds, namely natural antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral compounds.

In addition, garlic also contains sulfur or sulfur minerals, and high in selenium.

When garlic is crushed, chopped, or chopped, it also releases a substance called allicin which gives garlic its distinctive odor.

Well, the content of various compounds is believed to help prevent cancer.

Substances in garlic have been shown to reduce the risk of developing cancer cells.

3. Cayenne Pepper

It turns out that the spices that make this spicy taste are also useful for preventing cancer

Many experts find that Cayenne pepper able to prevent and cure cancer.

The benefits of cayenne pepper are believed to be because chilies contain a lot of the antioxidant solanine. In addition, chili contains anthocyanins which are known to fight cancer.

Also Read: Many don’t know, ginger turns out to save these 5 benefits for the body, one of which strengthens the immune system

4. Ginger

Besides turmeric, there are other rhizomes that are championed as cancer prevention, lo.

Ginger is a kitchen spice that is widely used for dishes that are tastier and feel warmer.

Ginger is an excellent source of antioxidants that can fight various types of free radicals.

Free radicals are foreign substances that often make the body sick and damage cells.

The body must fight free radicals to prevent them from damaging cells that can cause various diseases, including cancer.

Dietary antioxidants, such as those found in ginger, will help the body get rid of cancer-causing free radicals.

Watch this video too, come on!


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