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Not only causes lung problems, this is the impact of smoking on eye health

CANTIKA.COM, Jakarta – The bad effects of smoking on the health of the body have often been campaigned for, such as cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, including affecting health eye health It can even cause vision loss.

Dr. Aaradhana Reddy Vitreo, Retina Surgeon from Sadhuram Eye Hospital, Hyderabad, India says few people are aware that there is the impact of smoking on eye health and at worst it can cause vision loss. Dr. Vitreo explained that the toxins in cigarette smoke eventually enter the bloodstream, which are distributed throughout the body, including the eyes.

This can lead to various types of eye problems such as dry eye, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and optic nerve problems. Most of these cases can also lead to permanent blindness if adequate measures are not taken in time. “In addition, tobacco smoke can also affect the tissues around the eyes causing irritation to the eyelids and swelling under the eyes,” said Dr. Vitreo was reported by the Indian Express on Sunday, April 3, 2022.

A. Eye problems due to smoking

Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 harmful chemicals, some of which can be very damaging to eye health. Here are some eye disorders that can be caused by smoking:

1. Dry eyes

Dry eye occurs when the amount of tears cannot be produced by the eye to lubricate the surface of the eye. Symptoms of dry eye usually include redness, a gritty feeling, general discomfort, and stinging. Tobacco smoke is a major contributor to dry eye because it can break down the lipid layer of the tear film.

2. Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

AMD begins with a loss of central vision that makes it difficult for a person to see fine detail and read. Over time, vision loss will increase rapidly. Between the two types of AMD (dry and wet), dry AMD is quite common. In cases of dry AMD, fatty deposits begin to collect under the light-sensing cells at the back of the eye (retina).

In dry AMD, vision loss usually gets worse gradually. When it comes to wet AMD, the tiny blood vessels under the retina rupture or leak. This changes vision and causes scar tissue to form.

3. Cataract

The impact of smoking on eye health can also increase the risk of cataracts at any age. Cataracts can be defined as clouding of the naturally clear lens of the eye. Cataracts usually get worse as people get older. Appearing mostly in the elderly and those who smoke, cataracts can cause blurry and blurred vision which can be corrected by surgery.

4. Glaucoma

The next impact of smoking on eye health is the occurrence of glaucoma. Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases caused by increased pressure inside the eye. Increased pressure is usually caused by a buildup of excess fluid within the eye. The main concern with increased pressure is damage to the optic nerve, which is the only connection between the brain and the eye. A 2018 study found that the more cigarettes a regular smoker smoked, the more likely he was to develop glaucoma.

B. How to protect the eyes

There are several actions smokers can take to protect their eyes from damage. Here are some tips:

1. Stop or reduce smoke

The obvious advice is to stop or reduce smoking. It not only helps the smoking person but even the people around them to protect their eyes from damage.

2. Healthy diet

Diet plays an important role in overall eye health. A diet rich in vitamins C, E, zinc, omega 3 fatty acids, and others can help reduce the chances of eye damage.

3. Reduce the playing time

Apart from smoking, other practices and activities can cause damage to the eyes. Looking at the screen for a long time is one of them. Most screens such as TVs, smartphones, laptops and others emit blue light, which can be very harmful to the eyes. One should ensure limited screen time and also exercise the eyes regularly to reduce the damage.

4. Regular eye examinations

Regular eye exams are important to keep the eyes safe. Toxic elements can accumulate in the lens of the eye and only through regular checkups can a person avoid damage to the eye.

“In addition to worsening eye health, smoking contributes greatly to the development of other diseases that can sometimes be fatal. It is always a good idea to quit smoking or seek professional help to break the habit to protect vision and overall health,” says Dr. Vitreo.

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