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not one more step – PublicoGT

For Caicos Máximo Ba Tiul

The latest statements by Rafael Curruchiche as head of the Prosecutor’s Office against Impunity that the investigation against Semilla continues, now expanding the accusation not only for false signatures, for dead members and linking digitizers as alleged members of the Semilla Movement, denying the right that citizens have to be members of any political party.

These threats from Guatemalan criminals that, as has become customary, anticipated by the “netcenters” of the Fundación Contra el Terrorismo, Guatemala Immortal, Liga Pro Patria, AVEMILGUA and that the UNE candidate, at the end of her campaign in Cobán and Petén and the national prosecutor of the UNE, made reference, hours before this reprehensible and criminal prosecutor announced it. He gives us the certainty that the Guatemalan criminals are not ready for us to return to the path of democracy.

If reaching August 20 was an ordeal, not only because of the way in which the Public Ministry, the Supreme Court of Justice and the Constitutional Court faced this political time in favor of the Guatemalan criminal group, in addition to the false news generated and messages from hate, from social networks, reaching January 14 will require much more social force mobilized in the streets.

Let’s not forget that this criminal group does not command itself, it also reproduces the hate messages sent by the transnational right from Europe, the United States, passing through the extreme right groups of Latin America and Central America. These groups are not afraid or ashamed of the calls for attention that the United States makes to them through its different institutions. Even reports like the recent one by Almagro, where they condemn the “political persecution” that they have promoted against Semilla and affirming that public ministries throughout Latin America have become another political party. That, they don’t care.

Although they allege non-interference and that Guatemala is “sovereign and independent,” as Foreign Minister Búcaro stated in his clumsy intervention at the meeting on August 10 where they discussed the situation in Guatemala, they know that these are only recommendations or flirtatious letters, that They do not have a coercive quality, although they also know that we are in the framework of “new dictatorships” like Nicaragua and El Salvador, but since that is what they are looking for, they are not embarrassed.

The Engel list, which is a list of people that the United States does not want in its territory and that denies them a visa for interfering in democracy and their connection to corruption, does not give a damn either. Unless gringo imperialism implements a military intervention, as it did in 1954, 1973 in Chile, 1955 Argentina, 1961 Cuba, 1967-1969 bombings in Guatemala, 1989 in Panama, or its intervention in Libya, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia , Somalia, etc., just to give examples.

Accustomed to committing crimes, this criminal group does not care if we remain isolated from the international community, and better if we are isolated, because no one would notice what is happening to us. Or that they are left without support in weapons and equipment for the army and the police, because they know full well that now it is the drug trafficker who buys and sells them weapons of all caliber, it is more a lot of security from companies that make up this criminal group, they have as security, hitmen of drug trafficking.

When we say “they are afraid”, “they are worried”, they laugh at us because they know that it is not so. Let’s not forget that they learned to commit crimes when they were granted the privilege of assassinating, making social leaders disappear and razing villages during the war. In addition, they were entrusted with the construction of infrastructure works and they were allowed to steal land, which served to catapult them economically. The State entrusted them with resources through its foundations and NGOs to carry out works in the communities, as has happened in the so-called “dry corridor”. And they were allowed to open countless cardboard universities, which are colleges of higher education where not only state officials (judges, magistrates) managed to buy their titles, but also political leaders and supposed “engineers” who dedicated themselves to direct works in the municipalities.

In such a way that it seems that we are facing an enemy that does not deserve to be underestimated. And this is where Che’s ideas fit when he addresses the UN in 1964: “There is no small enemy or negligible force, because there are no longer isolated peoples.” Yes, Che was referring to Latin America and the world, but now he can help us to think about Guatemala. And for this reason, as we have affirmed innumerable times, the only ones who can make the criminal pact go back are the organized peoples.

Hence, from August 21 onwards, if we really want to change the country, we cannot settle for just voting. You have to take to the streets. Because here it is not the life of a party that is at stake, it is the life and future of Guatemalans. Hence also our call to form a “front of struggles” and we dare to call for the construction of a “front of struggles, from below and to the left.”

Kajkoj Maximo Ba Tiul. Maya Poqomchi, anthropologist, philosopher, theologian, researcher.


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