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Not many know, these are other symptoms of diabetes that you must be aware of!

HerStory, Jakarta —

Disease diabetes which is characterized by soaring blood sugar levels can be caused by various factors. Starting from heredity to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Therefore, you must recognize the early signs and symptoms of diabetes before a chronic condition strikes. Do you know what the symptoms are yet?

Launching from the page Medical News Today, here are some diabetes symptoms which many people do not know, but must be considered. Come on, look carefully, yes!

Frequent urination

Often urination be one of the early signs of diabetes. When blood sugar levels are high, the kidneys try to get rid of the excess sugar by filtering it out of the blood. This is what causes a person to urinate more often.

Thirst increases

Increased thirst can also be a sign of diabetes. Because, frequent urination can cause the body to lose extra water. This can cause dehydration and increased thirst than usual.

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