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Not just cough and fever: these lesser known corona symptoms are more common

Nausea can be a corona symptom. Image: imago images / Panthermedia

In addition to cough and fever: which less well-known corona symptoms can occur

Unfortunately, the novel corona virus has still not been fully researched. But: There are always new insights that help to recognize an infection in good time. For example, corona patients were now often observed to have symptoms that were atypical.

It is known that cough and fever are the main symptoms and that many infected people lose their taste and smell. However, as Science Alert reports, the following symptoms were also found more often than expected:

Nausea and diarrhea

Digestive problems are increasingly associated with the corona virus. While it was initially assumed that only around three percent of patients with the coronavirus suffered from diarrhea and around five percent from nausea, a recent study now reports that up to 50 percent of the patients also had digestive problems in addition to breathing problems.

Confusion and discomfort

These symptoms are among the most common atypical symptoms of Covid-19. Difficulties waking up or concentrating can also be signs of corona. However, the psychological stress caused by isolation or fears about the future can also trigger these symptoms, so you shouldn’t panic if you don’t feel well. However, if symptoms such as shortness of breath or stinging in the chest appear, you should of course get help immediately.

Chills and muscle aches

It is not yet known how common these symptoms are among corona patients, however the WHO assumes that up to eleven percent have experienced chills and 14 percent muscle pain. These symptoms in particular are also typical of the flu.

Headache and dizziness

These symptoms can also be indications or side effects of a corona infection. According to a study, around eight percent of those infected complained of headaches and some also felt dizzy. However, these signs can also be symptoms of a flu or cold.

Runny nose and sore throat

A runny nose speaks for a cold or an allergy rather than for the coronavirus, but can also appear as a side effect. Sore throats are also more typical of the “normal” flu or a cold.

Finally, there is good news: sneezing is not a corona symptom!


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