Tomorrow’s council of ministers will be particularly full of measures. First of all, the omnibus decree includes the interventions to address the situation of the shortage of taxis in the cities. The text envisages that, in order to increase the offer, the municipalities «may issue, on an experimental basis, free of charge or against payment, additional licenses for the operation of the taxi service to deal with an extraordinary increase in demand linked to major events or flows of tourist presences above the seasonal average». “The licenses – the text still explains – can be issued exclusively in favor of the subjects already holders of licenses for the exercise of the taxi service”.

But the drivers of the white cars don’t trust them and threaten protest actions. “Unfortunately we have to note that a few hours after the presentation in the Council of Ministers of an emergency measure relating to the taxi sector, scheduled for next Monday, the trade union organizations and trade associations have not yet received any official text on which to start reflections and put forward possible proposals», contest the trade unions.

«From the outset, we did not agree with the approach used to address the problem of a lack of service offerings which, in our opinion, are not of a structural nature, but mainly dictated by a rebound in post-Covid tourist attendance, which is already tending to fade , and now we don’t understand why, despite the reassurances given in the meetings already held, no type of document has reached the union representatives. It is necessary that the confrontation desired by the Government itself is not superficial, but concrete and achievable before the conclusion of the legislative process. Otherwise, as representative trade unions we would necessarily be forced to resort to all the forms of claiming constitutionally provided for to protect the legitimate interests of operators in the sector », the outcry.