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Not from heart failure: Trumpeter revealed sensational data on Moiseev’s death

Famous musicians have always maintained friendly relations. The trumpeter admits that he still cannot come to terms with what has happened and intends to go all the way to the truth.

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A little over a month ago the legendary singer Boris Moiseev died. Interpreter of the hit “Blue Moon” died last night from heart failure – at least, it was this version that was announced as the official one. However, Nikolai Trubach, who knew the deceased well, is convinced that in reality the death occurred for completely different reasons. The artist stated this in an interview with ProZvezd reporters. According to Trubach, Moiseev, who was shattered by a stroke, suffered from lack of demand, and this is what brought him to the other world.

“Man is tired of this struggle that has happened to him in recent years and has deprived him of the stage, the most loved and holy place of his life. This was the hardest test for him: God forbid anyone. Borya was the king of the stage. He is the brightest of those artists I know. We lost a stone! “Nikolai Mikhailovich says

According to Trubach, he still can’t get used to the idea that Moiseev is no longer with us. The singer claims that understanding, apparently, will come only after a few months. By the way, in recent years, men practically did not meet due to the fact that it was difficult for Boris Mikhailovich to move. But they kept in touch regularly.

“In a good way, in a kind way, they congratulated each other on their birthdays, on the other holidays. More often, of course, we talked to his manager Serezha Gorokh to find out more about what was happening to him. We supported him as best we could: we were always close, ”concluded Trubach.

Recall that the death of Boris Moiseev provoked a conflict between his brother Marx Tolkach and the director Sergei Gorokh. The latter was even accused of attempting to appropriate the deceased’s property.

Source: ProZvezd

Photo source: Boris Kudryavov

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