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Not carefree when traveling: fill in compulsory electronic form …

Those returning from abroad must complete an electronic form to enable contact tracing. This applies to all possible means of transport and to all color codes. The digital document will be ready on July 27, says Karine Moykens, head of the interfederal committee Testing & Tracing.

The form itself will only be available in a few days, and must be completed by anyone who has spent more than 24 hours abroad. It can be completed a maximum of 48 hours before the return journey.

Today, anyone flying back from a red zone must complete a paper form. That system will be expanded, from Monday everyone, including tourists, who enter Belgium from abroad will have to fill in the electronic form. This applies to all means of transport, plane, car, boat, train, bus, on foot or by bicycle, and all zones: red, orange or green.

How exactly the check will be done has not yet been fully clarified. Closing the borders to check cars is not an issue, but border checks are possible. Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians will be tested by sampling. Those who are checked can be fined. Anyone returning by plane or by boat must prove that the form has been completed before boarding.

Information is collected about the country where you have stayed and with whom you have traveled. The form should make it easier for the authorities to follow up on people who have been infected elsewhere. It’s also a reminder for Red Zone vacationers to get tested and quarantined.

Those who come back from a red zone must be quarantined and have a test done. This is highly recommended for the orange zone.

Health Minister Maggie De Block (Open VLD) reiterates that the virus is everywhere. “It’s important to keep your distance and wash your hands, even abroad,” she says.

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