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Not all “good” cholesterol is healthy

pte20210301001 Medicine / Wellness, Research / Development

According to Spanish scientists, particle size is crucial for protection against heart attacks

Heart attack: “good” cholesterol does not always protect (Photo: pixabay.com, pexels)

Barcelona (pte001 / 03/01/2021 / 06:00) – Not all “good” cholesterol is healthy, according to a study conducted by the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) http://imim.cat shows. The researchers analyzed genetic traits to determine the size of good cholesterol particles. The next step was to determine their relationship to the risk of a heart attack.

Proven causal relationship

According to the scientists, genetic characteristics associated with the production of large, good cholesterol particles are directly related to a higher risk of heart attack. On the other hand, properties associated with small, good cholesterol particles reduce the risk, the experts conclude.

According to researcher Robert Elosua, there is a positive causal relationship between the size of the particles of HDL cholesterol and the risk of a heart attack. “While we need to raise our good cholesterol levels, they have to be small particles.” The good cholesterol particles are said to be more effective at transferring cholesterol to the liver so that it can be eliminated.

According to Elosua’s colleague Álvaro Hernáez, the number of small particles that adequately fulfill the function of eliminating cholesterol should be increased. According to the scientist, it is they who transport the cholesterol to the liver for its elimination. This prevents an accumulation in the arteries and consequently cardiovascular disease.

Search for medication

There are currently no drugs that increase good cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. According to first author Albert Prats, the current study shows new possible therapeutic goals for cardiovascular diseases. This included several genes that are related to the qualitative aspects of the HDL particles. This could make a contribution to cardiovascular prevention.

The starting point for the study was that drugs that lower bad cholesterol lower cardiovascular risk. However, drugs that increase good cholesterol have not been shown to be effective at reducing the risk of heart disease. The research results have been published in “Metabolism, Clinical and Experimental”.

Meanwhile, Canadian researchers are working to prevent arteriosclerosis with drugs. The plaques responsible for the disease are a mixture of fats, cholesterol and other substances that clog the veins so that organs are no longer adequately supplied with blood. The experts have investigated the role of sialic acid, an ingredient in LDL. This is a substance in the blood called bad cholesterol (press release reported: http://pte.com/news/20210226024 ).

(The End)

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