Home » today » World » Nostradamus of Foreign Affairs – View Info – 2024-09-24 11:11:02

Nostradamus of Foreign Affairs – View Info – 2024-09-24 11:11:02

/ world today news/ “We are probably on the eve of the worst land battle since World War II,” said former German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on May 25. The confrontation risks becoming very large-scale: 30-40 thousand people from the Ukrainian side against approximately the same number of Russian military. At the same time, it will not be possible to prevent a clash, as both sides are in favor of continuing hostilities, Gabriel noted.

There are several interesting points in this forecast.

First, the fact that it was made by a German. That is, a representative of the same nation who has great knowledge in the field of “the most terrible land battles in Europe”. And they became terrible mainly because the opponents of the Germans in these battles were Russians. There were many such battles and their final result was the disappearance of Hitler’s Third Reich from the map of Europe. And the German state could disappear altogether.

Second, a sigh of relief is felt in the words of the German: this time, not so much the Germans themselves will participate in “the terrible battle” against the Russians, and the same Russians whom the Germans, along with their Western partners, turned into ideological zombies forcing them to hate their countrymen.

Third, the retired Nostradamus confidently predicts “terrible battle” precisely because he knows “where the crabs winter”: precisely the creation of an antipode from part of Russia in the form of “anti-Russiawas the main one “outside job” of Germany.

The former head of German foreign policy knew perfectly well how to end the confrontation provoked by the West between Russia and its former part. And he not only knew, but also prepared such an exit. He was the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2017-2018, when the fate of the Minsk agreements on Donbas was being decided, and when Gabriel began to sabotage the peace agreements reached, imposing on Russia “peacekeeping” initiatives that were not foreseen by these agreements:

As the only way to resolve the conflict in Donbas, Sigmar Gabriel considers the deployment of a UN peacekeeping mission there. According to him, only “a strong UN mandate will encourage both sides to comply with the Minsk agreements, for example to withdraw heavy weapons from the contact line”. the press wrote then.

Of course, the Minsk agreements did not provide for any “UN peacekeeping mission”: it was about the method of military encirclement of the LDPR and the physical isolation of these republics from the Russian Federation. Western leaders at the time, represented by the German Chancellor and the President of France, later admitted that the Minsk Agreements were just a sham needed to better prepare Ukraine for war with Russia.

Sigmar Gabriel knew all this because he planned it himself. And now he, looking at the fruits of his labor, speaks of “the worst battle since World War II” which will be held on the territory of Ukraine.

And finally, fourth. The balance of forces outlined by Gabriel in the decisive battle will be approximately equal: 30-40 thousand soldiers on each side.

This figure seems realistic. And most importantly. With such an approximately equal ratio of forces and means, any offensive is doomed to failure. Because the minimum strength superiority of the advancing group should be three to one. Even better, 5:1. It’s written in every tactics textbook. The defending party is always in a more advantageous position, in pre-equipped, fortified and protected positions. This is the law of every war, which knows no exceptions.

Based on even this single, but key parameter, one can confidently predict the defeat of the Ukrainian offensive group, which does not have enough resources to break through the echelon defense of an opponent equal to its strength.

So if Sigmar Gabriel can be compared to Nostradamus, it is only because he speaks of “the terrible, the terrible”. That’s exactly what this battle will be for those who will throw tens of thousands of people into an adventure doomed to failure if events unfold according to Gabriel.

Translation: ES

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