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Norwegian politics, Red | New poll: One in five is considering voting Red

In a new poll, one in five voters says that Red is an option for them.

Bjørnar Moxnes smiles broadly between the serious arguments about class divisions and how capital power gets away with all the resources.

For the red party on the left flank of Norwegian politics has good times. Finally, the party has stabilized above the barrier limit, and Moxnes has great faith that it will be a larger party group that joins him in the corridors of power this autumn.

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More concerned about growing disparities

His message about growing differences, and especially the criticism of the corona support that goes to large companies rather than ordinary people, seems to have a strong resonance in the depths of the people.

In a new survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of the Red Party, many agree with Moxnes that the support schemes during the corona crisis help to strengthen the differences between people.

When asked how much one agrees with the statement “The government’s handling of the corona crisis has increased the economic divides between people”, 57 percent agree in whole or in part. Only 20 percent completely or partially disagree.

The party leader is in no doubt as to why people believe the differences are increasing as a consequence of the corona crisis.

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– The government has distributed billions of kroner to real estate barons and capital owners. Bjørvika apartments receive crisis support to keep luxury apartments empty, rather than reduce the rent or sell them. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of employees get big cuts in income, says Red leader Bjørnar Moxnes to Nettavisen.

He finds it particularly startling that the government and the FRP have voted down demands that companies that receive crisis support cannot take out dividends.

– At the same time, the Conservatives have struggled to give holiday pay to people on unemployment benefits. People have noticed this.

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– You talk a lot about housing benefits, social security and so on, but what about ordinary workers who work and work?

– For them, the most important thing is that we stop social dumping. It tears down the working conditions of ordinary people. We must regulate labor immigration from the EEA, and ban the commercial staffing agencies. What is happening in construction, fish processing, car care, hotels and restaurants in a short time destroys rights that have been fought for over a hundred years, says Moxnes.

Free flow and raw driving

While the Labor Party protects the EEA agreement, and has not expressed any skepticism about labor immigration, Rødt tries to hijack voters who believe the EU and the EEA are engaging in cruelty towards Norwegian workers.

– The salary of people depends on how strong the trade union movement is. The EU’s free movement is breaking the back of the trade union movement, he says.

The most startling thing in the survey, however, is that as many as one in five voters consider voting for the Red Party in the Storting election.

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The party on the far left flank in Norwegian politics has stabilized at around 4-5 percent. In a new poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of the Red Party, however, it turns out that as many as 20 percent of voters consider voting Red.

“Regardless of your current party election, is the Red Party a relevant alternative for you in this autumn’s parliamentary elections?”

20 percent say yes, against 74 percent who say no. Only 6 percent do not know.

It is especially among the voters of SV and MDG that there are the most potential Red voters. 57 percent of SV’s voters consider Red an alternative, and 41 percent of MDG’s voters say the same.

Also among the residents, 28 per cent state that they are considering voting Red.

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– This is loud. But it is not without reason. Red has been the clearest opposition to the right-wing government’s difference policy. And we have raised issues that mean something to most people, says Moxnes and mentions three issues in particular:

– Ensure that the power goes to the industry, and is not subject to the EU and Acer. Settle on the naive belief in free trade, that we should be more self-sufficient in labor, food and medicine. And the last thing is to stop the welfare profiteers who make a lot of money in kindergartens, child welfare and elderly care.


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