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Norwegian Politics, Politics | The government platform is ready

Here you get an overview of how the incoming government will govern Norway in the coming years.

See the entire broadcast from Hurdal here:

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After two weeks of negotiations in Hurdal, Støre and Vedum have finally arrived at a plan for how they will govern the country in the coming years.

On Wednesday at 2 pm, the incoming government presented the platform. Below you will find a broad overview of the key points.

The CO2 tax is increased

The new government will increase the CO2 tax to around NOK 2,000 by 2030.

In 2020, the government proposed to increase the CO2 tax from NOK 571 per tonne of CO2 equivalents gradually to NOK 2,000 by 2030, so that it costs more to pollute.

The Labor Party has agreed to this, while the Socialist People’s Party has been strong opponents. This is because they believe it will affect the districts and those with lower incomes.

Party leader Vedum has repeatedly promised that the CO2 tax will not be increased to 2,000 kroner on his watch.

Also read: Sp-Trygve with clear requirements for petrol and diesel price: – It is completely irrelevant

Vedum to Nettavisen in April: – That’s why I’m so clear on it now. If we enter government in the autumn, it is completely inappropriate to increase the costs for those who drive a petrol or diesel car.

Parliamentary leader Marit Arnstad to NTB in February: We will not be involved in increasing the CO2 tax in such a way that the pump price increases, Marit Arnstad told NTB in February.

This is therefore described as a major loss for the Center Party.

The oil industry will be further developed

Not surprisingly, the Labor Party and the Center Party will continue to develop the Norwegian petroleum industry.

This means that the parties will leave the ordinary licensing system fixed. Permits will continue to be granted to explore for oil and gas in new areas.

This means that the government will facilitate a continued high level of activity on the Norwegian shelf. They believe ripple effects on land should benefit the whole country.

Also read: Labor and Social Democrats promise VAT on luxury electric cars

Government offices out in the country

The platform clarifies that new government jobs will be created outside Oslo, unless completely obvious reasons dictate otherwise.

Growth within existing government jobs will be distributed more fairly between city and country.

In addition, 20 new police stations will be reopened.

Also read: Trygve Slagsvold Vedum says the ministerial posts are ready now

The airport on Andøya is not saved. This means that the maritime patrol aircraft will be moved to Evenes Airport.

This is considered to be a big loss for the Center Party, which has promised a reversal, and received over 50 percent of the votes in the last three elections on Andøy.

– We think it would have been wise to go a new round on it, but we did not get a breakthrough for that, Vedum admitted at Hurdal.

Also read: Labor and Social Democrats do not save Ullevål hospital

The Center Party gains EEA support

However, the Center Party has gained support for a study of the experiences with EEA co-operation over the past 10 years, including a study of the experiences from European countries that have other agreements with the EU.

At the same time, Støre is clear on where the Labor Party stands in the case:

– The EEA agreement is fixed. It is quite clear – at the same time as he adds that there is nothing wrong with more knowledge.

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Changes in tax policy

Tax policy was one of the things that weighed heaviest when SV chose to leave the negotiating tables in Hurdal.

The new platform now proposes a tax system that they believe will be more socially and geographically redistributive.

The government will reduce the income tax for those with incomes below NOK 750,000 and increase the tax for others. The trade union deduction will be doubled and the commuter deduction increased.

Also read: After the SV exit: – Now we know nothing

In addition, the government will reduce business costs related to imposed rules and filling in public forms by NOK 11 billion by 2025.

The corporation tax will be kept at 22 per cent throughout the entire parliamentary term.

Dissolution of municipalities

Solberg’s choice to forcibly merge municipalities has been the root of much conflict in Norwegian politics. Now the municipalities can be dissolved if they wish.

The only thing the municipalities must do is send an application for a decision to the municipal council by 1 July 2022.

Also read: Large Sp loss on CO2 tax

Fewer wolves

The predator management will not be moved to the Ministry of Agriculture, as the Center Party has wanted. It will remain under the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

At the same time, the population targets will be defined more clearly, the management will be more restrictive, and Sp has been approved to study a reduction in the population targets for wolves and bears, with the goal of reduction.

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Changes in the platform

There are also several other important points in the platform:

  • The abortion law will remain in place.
  • The new government will introduce free dental care for people aged 19 to 21 and introduce half the price of dental care for people aged 22 to 25.
  • The parties will freeze the BSU scheme of NOK 27,500 a year and NOK 300,000 in total.
  • Changes will be made to the hospital structure in Oslo in accordance with approved plans.
  • The maximum price in the day care center will be reduced to the price level from the day care center settlement in 2003.
  • Purchase of new electric cars for more than NOK 600,000 will have a higher VAT.
  • The price of ferry tickets will be halved, and routes with less than 100,000 passengers will offer free ferry transfers.
  • The release in the taxi industry must be stopped.
  • The four requirements in mathematics for teacher students will be abolished.
  • Nesna on the Helgeland coast is going on a college offer.
  • Government agencies are no longer allowed to use PR agencies.
  • Employers will have to document the need for a part-time position rather than full-time, and the opportunity to hire temporarily will be tightened.
  • The Støre government will return asylum seekers to safe countries outside Europe and let the number of asylum arrivals affect how many UN refugees Norway receives.

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