Home » today » World » Norwegian politics | Erik Solheim gets to review for China tribute: – I am so incredibly disappointed with you

Norwegian politics | Erik Solheim gets to review for China tribute: – I am so incredibly disappointed with you

Former SV leader and UN top Erik Solheim is receiving criticism after a Twitter post in which he praised China with the following tweet:

– Bravo China. The first climate-neutral Olympic Games in history. If the city of Zhangjiakou were a separate country, it would have been the twelfth largest wind and solar nation in the world, ahead of Vietnam, Canada and the Netherlands, writes Solheim.

The former SV top, is now the leader of the environmental think tank “One belt, one way” which is a Chinese infrastructure project and economic development project.

Solheim has also previously been criticized for glorifying the Chinese commitment to the environment, covid-19 management and communication development.

In addition, critics believe that Solheim is trying to curb the growing criticism of the Chinese’s brutal and oppressive policies.

Also read: What in the world is Erik Solheim doing?

Is this a paid item?

This time, too, the criticism has not been long in coming after the former SV politician published the statement.

‘Are you kidding me? Is this a paid item? » asks German technology blogger Sascha Pallenberg.

The technology blogger is not the only one who responds.

“How unbelievably disappointed I am with you,” writes another user.

– Do not get a penny from China for that matter

Solheim tells Nettavisen that he daily brings positive green news from India, China, the USA and the rest of the world on Twitter.

– Everyone is welcome to follow. There are far more tweets from India than from China. I believe that we are all inspired by positive news from different parts of the world. We live in the century of Asia. I reflect that, says Solheim to Nettavisen.

– Why do people think that the Olympics are greenwashed?

– Why can people not be impressed that the Olympics are emission-free? It is not me who says this, but the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena), and the internationally recognized Carbonbrief. The Olympic Village produces much more solar and wind energy than Norway. Shouldn’t we be a little impressed? Should we consider being just as good here at home?

– Why do people think you are bought and paid for by China? Do you understand that people are disappointed?

– The tone some people have on Twitter is just sad. It scares many people from posting, for fear of all the shit they receive. I do not get a penny in salary from China or from India for that matter. I do not argue with anyone on Twitter, but will continue to spread good news from all continents, including China, Solheim emphasizes.

Solheim believes we should be happy that this is history’s first Olympics without carbon emissions.

– It has been achieved through massive investment in renewable energy, through green hydrogen and electric cars and through provisions in the form of afforestation.

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– We must have a dialogue with China

This is not the first time Solheim has received criticism for defending China.

In a DN post from March 2021, the former UN summit wrote that we must be more curious about China and claim that the Chinese live a freer life in today’s society.

“Today’s Chinese live freer individual lives than any previous generation. They can dress as they want, move where they want, eat the food they want and participate in debates on most issues.

The online newspaper asks Solheim what he thinks today about the Uighurs’ situation.

China pursues a brutal anti-terror policy in Xinjiang. If we want to improve the situation for the Uighurs, we must have a dialogue with China. Otherwise, China will only strike back with criticism of all human rights violations and wars in the West.

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