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Norwegian Milk Consumption Decline in 2023: Impact on Health and Sustainability

2023 was no exception: Milk consumption in Norway continues to decrease.

We drink significantly less skimmed milk and skimmed milk in particular, while there has been a slight increase in the sale of whole milk and flavored sour milk.

The Norwegian Health Directorate’s consultation version of the dietary advice presented on March 22 does little to give hope that sales will increase in the future.

In this year’s version, the number of recommended daily servings of dairy products has been reduced from “three” to “two to three”, as well as the launch of plant-based drinks and dairy products for the first time as a possible substitute for dairy products. .

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– Bad reputation

The fact that interest in milk is declining is a cause for concern for clinical nutritionist Tine Mejlbo Sundfør.

She believes that the attitude of many Norwegians towards milk, that milk is “unhealthy”, is one of the reasons why the movement continues.

– This is probably because many people think that the milk is not so healthy. I hope we can create a more positive image of such healthy foods that have received an undeserved bad reputation, says Sundfør to Nettavisen.

As Nettavisen said on Friday Sales of protein-rich milk products have increased significantly in recent years, but it’s not the proteins in milk that Sundfør is worried Norway is missing out on.

Dairy products such as milk and yogurt, along with white fish, are one of the only sources of iodine. In addition, milk is rich in calcium, which is important for bone building.

– It is a problem that Norwegians drink less milk, because young women in particular get too little calcium and too little iodine, according to Sundfør.

Read more about why iodine is important to the body in the last paragraph.

– It should not tell what people eat

Last month Nina Cathrine Johansen wrote et discussion post in Aftenposten where she questioned whether cow’s milk is more natural and less processed than other milk, and she discussed why you don’t have to drink animal milk.

“So why not avoid environmental toxins, centrifuged milk fat and secret concentrate ingredients and instead choose Norwegian-made oat milk? Here, everything is on the package!”, concludes the discussion post with.

Johansen has a master’s degree in nutrition and is the vice-chair of the medical and nutrition association “Mat for helsen”. To Nettavisen, she explains why she chose to write the discussion post:

– I’m not saying you shouldn’t drink milk if you want, but there’s no need. It is often portrayed as if milk is essential because it contains calcium and iodine, but that is not true, Johansen told Nettavisen.

– Calcium is added to most plant milks, and iodine is added to several as well, in the same amounts as the milk. That is our point. Of course, we shouldn’t dictate what people should eat and drink, but I think it’s good for people to know that cow’s milk is not essential, or particularly stable, says Johansen.

In addition, she explains why she believes that cow’s milk is not a sustainable option.

– Cow’s milk requires a lot of resources. The thick feed that the cows eat contains soy and palm oil. So plant-based drinks are a more sustainable option, says Johansen.

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Especially important for pregnant women

Whether you get iodine through cow’s milk or plant-based milk fortified with iodine, there is no doubt that the body needs it.

In the report of the Directorate of Health from 2014, it is said that iodine plays an important role in regulating metabolic hormones and energy conversion in the cells, as well as promoting the absorption of glucose in the ‘ stomach and breakdown of fat and glycogen.

Sundfør tells Nettavisen that most Norwegians have a so-called “suboptimal intake” of iodine. This is probably because we only have a few sources of iodine in our normal diet.

“Children and adults who do not currently have milk and fish in their diet do not have good sources of iodine in their diet in Norway, unless they take nutritional supplements,” said a Norwegian Health Directorate report from 2014.

Most table salt is fortified with iodine so that Norwegians get more of it, but not in specific quantities.

– In Sweden, there is much more iodine in the salt. It was discussed whether that is what should be done in Norway, but then you feel that it is a bit strange that something we need to put more into something we need less of, said Sundfør.

The nutritionist encourages everyone to make sure they get enough iodine, but for one group it’s especially important:

– In pregnant women, iodine plays an important role in the development of the child’s central nervous system. If you do not eat enough iodine during pregnancy, in the worst case, there is a risk that the child will get brain damage, warns Sundfør.

Read also: Half of pregnant women cannot stop sniffling

2024-05-04 11:06:32
#nutritionist #sings #milk #warning #Bad #unpleasant #reputation

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