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Norwegian IS sisters imprisoned in Syria after protests – VG

To the left the youngest of the women from Bærum known as «Two sisters», she has one child; to the right the eldest, who has two children.

Two sisters from Bærum have been transferred from the Roj camp to a prison in Syria. The background for the imprisonment is that several women tried to create a riot in support of IS, VG is informed.


The Kurdish autonomous authorities have adopted the sanction. It was NRK, which first mentioned the arrest of the women.

VG receives confirmation from a centrally located source in the Kurdish self-government authorities that the two women have been imprisoned in connection with an operation to improve security in the camp.

– The operation was in response to violations of laws and regulations implemented by the self-governing authorities for the camp. After creating division, shouting IS slogans and launching riots, several women were moved from the camp, it says in a statement VG receives, from an official who will not be named.

The source says that the women who were moved to the prison will eventually be transferred back to the Roj camp, after several security measures have been implemented.

Whether the women were allowed to bring their three children to prison, or whether the children have been taken care of by others, VG has not received an answer.

VG met Bærum sister in IS camp: – I regret it today

VG has sent a request to the Kurdish self-governing authorities, but this has not been answered.

Dr. Abdulkarim Omar, foreign policy spokesman for the Kurdish self-governing authorities, has repeatedly asked the Norwegian authorities to bring home the total of four Norwegian women, with four children, who are in the IS camps Roj and al-Hol.

From a source inside the camp, VG is explained that most of the women who were arrested did not take part in the riots.

– There were violent clashes between women and guards. Many women were arrested afterwards, to deter others from such behavior. Most of those arrested had nothing to do with the riots and were wrongfully imprisoned. I do not know anything about why the sisters were arrested, the source writes in a message to VG.

Background: These are the remaining IS women

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