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Norwegian diver transported to hospital in Malaysia

The Norwegian woman was found in the water a good distance away on Thursday where the divers were last observed. The woman has been sent to hospital, and the condition is described as stable.

The divers were out on an island off the town of Mersing, located along the southeast coast of Malaysia just north of Singapore. Malaysia recently reopened the country to tourists after more than two years of closed borders.

The boat that transported the divers to a nearby island must have disappeared while the divers were under water, explains the local police officer Cyril Edward Nuing.

– The divers were in the water for about 40 minutes. When they came back to the surface, they could not see the boat, and they were taken by the strong current, he says.

The Norwegian diving instructor is said to have tried to keep everyone together, but the divers got away from each other, the police officer explains. The boat’s captain has been arrested after testing positive for drug use.

There are three divers still missing, a Briton, a Dutchman and a French citizen. Helicopters, boats and dozens of divers contribute to the search operation.

– We believe in finding everyone safe as everyone is an experienced diver, Nuing says.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs NTB that they are familiar with the case, and adds that the Norwegian woman’s relatives have been informed.


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