SKI (Dagbladet): The Norwegian church has decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day. 15 churches are open for drop-in weddings on Wednesday. Ski church in Nordre Follo is among these.
The first wedding is already underway when Dagbladet arrives, and the organist plays Mendelssohn’s bridal march.
First out
Provost in Nordre Follo, Espen Hasle, tells Dagbladet that Ski Church will now celebrate love.
«DROP-IN»: Ås church had a special offer for couples ready to get married on Valentine’s Day. Reporter: Martin Biuso. Video: Helena Ringheim, Dagbladet TV. view more
The first couple out are Helene Berg (48) and Odd Willy Brude (54).
– We have been engaged for four years, so we had intended to get married, but then we haven’t had time – everyday life has taken us, says Helene Berg to Dagbladet.
She has just clearly said “yes” inside the church.
The bride’s parents, Birgit Nygaard Berg and Frank Robert Berg, were present during the wedding.
– More important
They have been married for 56 years themselves, and believe that the wedding itself is far more important than the ceremony.
– I think it was solemn and nice. They did not want a wedding with “pomp and splendour”, says Birgit Berg.
MORE IMPORTANT: The marriage is more important than the ceremony itself, say the bride’s parents, Birgit Nygaard Berg and Frank Robert Berg (tv). Photo: Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet Show more
To Dagbladet, Provost Espen Hasle elaborates on why they have opened the door for this.
– We do this because we want to celebrate love on Valentine’s Day, and then we want to show that it is also possible to get married easily. It is of course great to have a big wedding, with parties and fun, we love that. For some it doesn’t fit, or they don’t feel like it. And it’s just as important to get married easily, says Hasle.
– Now I’m a bit moved, says Barbro Aulstad (58) on her way out of the church room in Ski Nye Kirke.
She has just married her boyfriend of many years, Hans-Erik Slevig (74).
– We got married in 2011 in Las Vegas, but it is not valid in Norway. When we found out that there was a drop-in here today, we decided on Thursday, says Aulstad.
NEWLY MARRIED: Barbro Aulstad (58) and Hans-Erik Slevig (74) got married on Valentine’s Day in Ski Nye church.
FINALLY MARRIED: Here the ring is put in place for Barbro Aulstad and Hans-Erik Slevig.
CAKE: The church had the cake ready.
PHOTO: Ski church also took part in photography.
ALTER BUBBLES: Non-alcoholic bubbles, of course, are served on the way out.
BIGGEST OF ALL: Is love, quotes Provost Espen Hasle from the Corinthians.
The couple believes it is “good to have the formalities in order”.
In November, they were baptized for their grandson here in the same church. Hans-Erik says that it was then that they found out that they also wanted to get married.
After the wedding, the couple goes into the parish hall next door to cut the wedding cake and drink non-alcoholic bubbles, which the church provides.
– It was quick and easy. Nice to have it done here in Norway too. We had a very nice wedding in Las Vegas, and now we’ve done it here too, says Barbro Aulstad.
They have no intention of having a party, but are going to go out and have lunch with the bride and groom; Barbro’s daughter Emily Aulstad and her partner Alexander Burkey.
As Dagbladet leaves Ski Church, the organist plays again – Mendelssohn’s bridal march welcomes the next couple to the wedding.
2024-02-14 12:32:23
#Married #day