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Norwegian Children Missing in Asylum System: Government Response and Reactions

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Missing asylum children: – I don’t want to put into words what I believe (NRK “Politisk kvarter”)
Over 800 asylum-seeking children have disappeared since 2015. Of these, 400 are still reported missing, informs NRK journalist Silje Rognsvåg. Most of the children are from Afghanistan, Syria, Eritrea and Somalia. Most are over 15 – some are under. – Little has been done to find them. In addition, the Norwegian Police Directorate has itself pointed out that in several cases insufficient police work has been carried out.

Deputy chairman of KrF Dag Inge Ulstein reacts strongly.

– When there are Norwegian children who disappear, a helicopter with a heat-seeking camera is deployed and the search is carried out with manguards. I don’t want to put into words what I believe. As the president of the Norwegian Lawyers’ Association says: If there had not been asylum in front of that child – then neither the police, the Ministry of Justice nor us politicians would have sat as quietly as we do. I’m afraid it’s about those children not being worth as much. It feels incredibly painful and wrong.

– This is a problem that goes back many years and through several different governments. For our government, it is important to show that we have taken action and are still working on measures, says State Secretary Even Eriksen (Ap) in the Department of Justice. He refers, among other things, to the fact that in December 2022 the Directorate of Police was asked to obtain information from the police districts about the kind of handling they do in the so-called collection cases.

– At New Year’s this year, a working group was set up with the UDI, the Directorate for Children and Families, the Norwegian Agency for Children and Families to look at the purpose, routines and shortcomings. They then came up with proposals for improvements to notification routines at the police. And now this autumn, the police’s own routines in collective cases are being revised, with a particular focus on unaccompanied minor asylum seekers, he says.

– According to a report from NTNUI, the majority of those who have gone missing have presumably left voluntarily after having their asylum application rejected and are now staying in third countries in Europe where they probably live well-functioning lives, he says. Listen to the broadcast here

The division “no one” wants can cost 400 million: − Is it worth it (VG)
The government will let the residents of the old Søgne and Songdalen municipalities decide the fate of the large municipality of Kristiansand. The municipality – which also consists of the old Kristiansand municipality – has around 115,000 inhabitants. Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) will force a referendum and listen to the majority in Søgne, no matter how many turn up. – Nonsense, says the local Labor leader. The sea

Right-wing rages after offshore wind delays: – Delete political craft (DN)
Høyre’s Nikolai Astrup wants answers from the oil and energy minister about the dialogue with Brussels. – If Fornybar Norge is right, then we risk a 12-18 month delay on Utsira Nord due to the government’s lack of process with Esa. It is a terribly bad start to the investment in floating offshore wind, and it comes on top of all the challenges the government has with fixed offshore wind in the Southern North Sea II. The sea

The government will legislate requirements for teacher training in order to be permanently employed as a teacher (NTB)
The government sends out a proposal for consultation to legislate that one must have teacher training in order to be permanently employed as a teacher in schools. read more

The Støre government may do well to have a target (leader, Aftenposten)
The government must include more. It just doesn’t want to have any goal with the work. The sea

Lars Lillo-Stenberg on free school cuts: − Scary and sad (VG)
Long-time Steinerskole father Lars Lillo-Stenberg (61) sings the government opposite in front of the Storting on Wednesday. He has faith that the new Minister of Education will cut and cut support for independent schools. The sea

Trade union representative against Storting politicians: – Employees are getting restless (E24)
Frps Christian Tybring-Gjedde has asked the government to cancel the contracts awarded by Equinor to the Chinese drilling rig company Cosl. This causes the shop stewards in Cosl to react. – That both management and employees in Cosl, which as of today only has Nordic employees, is a security risk that must be reported to Chinese intelligence, I am very surprised, says union representative Joar Nesse in Cosl. The sea

The Minister for Children after the VG revelation: – I’m getting sick (VG)
All countries Norway adopts from must be re-examined, demands Minister for Children and Families Kjersti Toppe (Sp). She wants assurances that the adoptions take place in a safe manner. The sea

Full climate clinch between the Storting and the government (NRK)
A new coalition in Parliament claims the climate law to the government “is not worth the paper it is written on”. The sea

FRP veteran wants Solberg clarification on the civic side: – The parties will have to conclude (NRK)
Carl I. Hagen believes the Frp, KrF and Venstre must clarify before Christmas whether they have confidence in the leader of the Conservative Party as prime ministerial candidate in 2025. The sea

– Støre has made my case more burdensome (Dagbladet)
Anette Trettebergstuen and Jonas Gahr Støre do not agree on what happened in the cases that led to her having to resign as Minister of Culture. Today, she explains herself to the Control and Constitution Committee. The sea

Støre about criticism of competence: – We have taken action (NRK)
Departed ministers believe the rules are unclear and the training too weak. They themselves have a duty to familiarize themselves with the rules, replies the Prime Minister. The sea

Støre strikes back: Mener Trettebergstuen received a clear message about the appointment of friends (VG)
Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre hits back at criticism from ex-minister and party member Anette Trettebergstuen. The sea

Red about Solberg’s competency response: – Gross disclaimer (NTB)
On Tuesday morning, Conservative leader Erna Solberg was grilled about her husband’s share purchase while she was prime minister. Red is not satisfied with the answers they received. The sea

Ap about Erna Solberg: – She takes less and less responsibility (DN)
It has almost been eight weeks since Erna Solberg presented a list of her husband’s stock trades. The Labor Party’s Frode Jacobsen believes Solberg now takes less and less responsibility for his own mistakes. The sea

Solberg in control hearing: – It could have been difficult to be prime minister (E24)
– I was incompetent in a number of cases I dealt with when I was prime minister, Solberg begins in the control hearing. She also emphasizes that if she had known about the share trading, she would have declared herself disqualified in several cases. The sea

Departed ministers point to weak training from the Prime Minister’s Office (NTB)
A political blind spot, unclear routines and failure in training, stated the ministers who had to go after a breach of integrity. – We have taken action, replies the Prime Minister. read more

Solberg and Støre answer about regulations: – It is important that we do not dilute responsibility (E24)
Both former and current prime ministers were asked about banning share trading for spouses: – Raises many questions of principle, says Støre. The sea

Brenna apologized for having “made serious mistakes” (NTB)
Tonje Brenna made several serious mistakes when handling her competence as Minister of Knowledge. – I apologize for that, she said during the Storting’s control hearing. The sea

Was not asked about a background check (NTB)
Former Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt (Ap) confirms that she did not go through a so-called vetting interview before she was appointed. The sea

– In my political life, I have always been afraid of making a mistake of integrity (NTB)
It was a humble Anniken Huitfeldt (Ap) who appeared before the control committee at the Storting on Tuesday. – I am here because I have made a mistake, she began. The sea

– Extremely problematic to buy or own individual shares as a minister (NTB)
Retired Research and Education Minister Ola Borten Moe (Sp) calls it “extremely problematic” for a minister in Norway to buy and own shares. – It can be problematic in a large number of companies, he said further and explained that the Norwegian state is directly or indirectly involved in so many companies that it is difficult for an individual to have control over them. The sea

Borten Moe in hearing: – A responsibility that has had a clear consequence (E24)
Ola Borten Moe resigned as minister when the ownership in Kongsberg Gruppen became known. In retrospect, he has been critical of the systems and rules around impartiality. The sea

Trettebergstuen denies that she defied warnings in the competency cases (NTB)
Anette Trettebergstuen (Ap) denies that she has defied advice from the civil service when friends of hers were appointed to positions. She believes a wrong impression has been created. The sea

– I live in a marriage where I have believed in my husband (Aftenposten)
Conservative leader Erna Solberg opens up that her husband’s hidden stock trading could have brought her down as prime minister if it had been revealed earlier. The sea

No case for Erna (Astrid Meland, VG)
Erna Solberg emerges strengthened from her disaster case. The government, on the other hand, is somewhat reminiscent of the drunken train ride in 1979. The sea

A lot to grasp (Lars Nehru Sand, NRK)
The understanding of impartiality has been too poor over time at the top of Norwegian politics. There is simply a lot to deal with. The various scandalous cases show it in their own way. The sea

Norwegian Skills Festival 2023 (Kjetil B. Alstadheim, Aftenposten)
Everyone takes responsibility. And they are happy to share the blame with others. The sea

Solberg struggles on the grill (Eva Grinde, DN)
Erna Solberg doubts her “should I really have mistrusted my husband” defense. That’s not enough. The sea

Experts do not think Hamas can be crushed (NTB)
The US hopes that Israel will succeed in crushing Hamas and that the Palestinian Authority and President Mahmoud Abbas can also rule in Gaza. Experts have their doubts. read more

UN: The planned production of fossil energy in 2030 must be halved to reach the 1.5 degree target (NTB)
The world’s countries plan to produce more than twice as much fossil energy in 2030 than the Paris Agreement’s climate targets allow, according to the UN Environment Program (UNEP). read more

Global heat record for October beaten by a large margin (NTB)
Temperatures worldwide last month were the highest ever recorded in October, according to EU scientists. The deviations from the normal were “exceptional”. read more


Read also: This is what the newspapers write about the Norwegian economy on Wednesday 8 November

Read also: This is what the newspapers write about Oslo Børs on Wednesday 8 November

2023-11-08 07:57:19
#newspapers #write #Norwegian #politics #Wednesday #November

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