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Norway wins ahead of Sweden and France, Italy seventh – OA Sport


15.49 From the men’s relay of Kontiolahti that’s all. Thank you all for joining us and enjoy the rest of the day!

15.48: Italy’s swinging race. Good feelings from Hofer, while Bormolini and Giacomel above all disappointed expectations a little.

15.47: Fourth victory of the season in the World Cup for Norway in this competition format. Following today’s success, the Scandinavians also conquer the specialty cup.

15:46 To complete the top ten Canada, eighth at 2’43 “(0 + 9), Finland, ninth at 2’58” (0 + 13), and the United States, tenths at 3’19 “( 0 + 8).

15.45: Seventh place for Italy (+ 2’20 “).

15.44: Austria arrives, fifth at 1’44 “, and Switzerland, sixth at 1’56”.

12/12: Second is Sweden (+10 “6), third is France (+12” 4) and fourth is Germany (+13 “4).


12/12: Samuelsson unleashed! The Swede overtakes France and gets his hands on second place.

12/12: With 1.5 km from the end, Norway is first with 15 “9 over France and 19” over Sweden and Germany.

11/12: Unfortunately Giacomel misses four targets and is forced to complete the penalty round.

11/12: CHRISTIANSEN’S ZERO! One refill for Fillon Maillet, two for Samuelsson and three for Nawrath.

11/12: Here is the last polygon. The first four all come together.

11/12: Giacomel loses something from the head of the race, but gains over Austria. 14 ”now the gap between the blue and Lemmerer.

11/12: After 26.8 km, Norway and Sweden are in the lead. France and Germany recover a few seconds, now just over 6 ”from the top.

10/12: A recharge for Austria, while Giacomel finds an excellent 5/5 and is now about 25 ”from fifth place. A mistake for Switzerland which is therefore losing ground.

10/12: Sweden, Norway and France find zero. Fillon Maillet, however, was slower than the first two and lost 9 ”from the top. The German Nawrath uses a reload and sets off again with Fillon Maillet.

10/12: It’s time for the last polygon on the ground.

10/12: At 24.3 km Giacomel is at 1’09 “behind the leaders. Together with him the Swiss Burkhalter.

10/12: The last big players are Samuelsson for Sweden, Christiansen for Norway, Fillon Maillet for France and Nawrath for Germany.

10/12: For Italy it is now the turn of Tommaso Giacomel.

THIRD CHANGE – France, Sweden, Norway and Germany ahead of all. Austria fifth at 20 “, Switzerland sixth at 56” and Italy seventh at 1’03 “.

9/12: After 21.8 km, France, Norway, Sweden and Germany are in the lead. Austria at 9 ”. Italy is overtaken by Switzerland and is now in seventh position at 53 ”from the first position.

8/12: Unfortunately not very well Bionaz who is forced to use two reloads and exits the shooting range in sixth position at 44 “from the top

8/12 Zero errors for France, one for the Norwegian Laegreid who, however, is fast with the reload. 5/5 for Germany, Sweden and Austria which are now all attacked.

8/12: It’s time for the standing shooting range! Attention!

8/12: At 19.3 km in the lead are France and Norway. Third Austria at 9 “, fourth Germany at 10” and fifth Sweden at 11 “7. Bionaz instead slowed down slightly and is now sixth at 21 ”.

8/12: Well Bionaz on skis! After 18.5 km the blue has only 20 ”behind Desthieux. In the meantime, Norway has also recovered at the head of the race and is now at 4 ”.

7/12: A recharge for Laegreid, Leitner and Doll, now about 15 ”from the head. Ponsiluoma and Bionaz are also missing only one target, who start again 26 ”late from the first position. So good for Italy!

7/12: Two mistakes for Desthieux! The Frenchman covers the remaining targets with reloads and starts again in first position.

7/12: Here is the polygon on the ground.

7/12: At 16.8 km the French Desthieux is first with 24 ”in a small group in which the German Doll, the Austrian Leitner, the Norwegian Laegreid and the Swiss Wiestner are present. A little further back the Swede Ponsiluoma and our Bionaz (35 ”).

7/12: For Italy there is now Didier Bionaz.

SECOND CHANGE – France in the lead with 25 ”over Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Switzerland and Norway. At 37 “Finland and Sweden, while Hofer closes his fraction with a delay of 42” 5 from the first position.

12/6: After 14.3 km Jacquelin is ahead of everyone with a 30 ”lead over Germany and Austria. A little further away Switzerland, Norway, Lithuania, Finland and Sweden. Well Hofer who regains ground and is now not very far from the group in front.

5/12: Two refills for Norway and Sweden which are now about 46 ”from the top. Only one target misses instead Hofer who is now 10th at 58 ”from the head of the race.

5/12: A top-up for Germany, while the Swiss Jaeger scores a nice 5/5.

5/12 Jacquelin uses only one reload and restarts in first position. Eder also finds zero and is now second at 27 ”.

5/12: Jacquelin is going really strong on skis. The Frenchman now arrives at the shooting range on his feet, attention.

5/12: After 11.8 km, France is first with a 27 ”advantage over Austria, Norway and Germany. Fifth Sweden at 37 ”4. Italy 10th at 1’02 “7.

4/12: Happy 5/5 by Hofer. The blue is now in 10th position at 55 ”6 from the head.

4/12: Norway make no mistakes, while Sweden is forced to use two reloads and loses ground.

4/12: Jacquelin finds a very quick zero who starts again in first position. 5/5 also for Eder, while using two Rees reloads.

4/12: You arrive at the polygon on the ground. Jacquelin enters with Rees.

4/12: After 9.3 km Germany is still in first position. France is making up a lot of ground, now second at 3 ”5. Third Austria at 6 “8, fourth Sweden at 8” and fifth Norway at 11 “6. Italy 11th at 54 ”.

4/12: At home in Italy it is Lukas Hofer’s turn. The other big players are Rees for Germany, Jacquelin for France, Nelin for Sweden and Andersen for Norway.

FIRST CHANGE – Lesser finishes the first lap in the lead. Second Austria at 8 “9, third Sweden at 11”, fourth Norway at 14 “9, seventh France at 17” 8. Italy instead 11th at 52 ”. Unfortunately, Bormolini also wasted time on skis.

3/12: After 6 km the German Lesser is first with an advantage of 6 “over the Slovak Sima and of 8” 4 over the Austrian Komatz. Fourth for Sweden at 9 “, ninth for Norway and tenth for France, both at 20”. Bormolini currently in 14th position at 46 ”from the top.

2/12: Two mistakes for Sweden, three for France and Norway, while Bormolini unfortunately misses four and is forced to complete the penalty lap.

2/12: Germany, Slovakia and Lithuania find the second zero and start again first.

2/12: It’s time for the first standing polygon.

2/12: After 4.3 km the big names are all in front.

1/12: 11 athletes find zero, including Bormolini, Bakken, Lesser and Guigonnat. A mistake instead for Femling who, however, is fast with the reload and starts again with the first ones.

1/12: You arrive at the first polygon on the ground.

1/12: After 1.8 km the group is still compact. Bormolini in front of everyone with Bakken and Guigonnat.

1/12: Here are the first fractionists of the strongest teams: Bakken for Norway, Guigonnat for France, Bormolini for Italy, Femling for Sweden and Lesser for Germany.


14.27 Sunny day in Kontiolahti with almost no wind. The 20 national teams are approaching the start.

14.24 Given the many absences, the blue quartet will start with the chance of a podium. In addition to France, of course, Norway, Germany and Sweden will play for the very first positions with the Bel Paese.

14.20 The first to start in Italy will be Thomas Bormolini. After him Lukas Hofer, Didier Bionaz and Tommaso Giacomel. Absent due to positivity at Covid Dominik Windisch.

14.17 Many important absences today: Belarus, Ukraine and Russia will not participate in the match for well-known reasons, while Norway will not have the Boe brothers available. Considering these conditions, the favorite starting point for today’s victory will therefore be France.

14.13 Today is the last men’s relay of the season and therefore the specialty cup will also be played there. Here is the provisional ranking after four races:

1. NORWAY 216 points
2. RUSSIA 210 points
3. FRANCE 191 points
4. GERMANY 188 points
5. BELARUS 153 points
6. UKRAINE 152 points
7. ITALY 142 points

14.10 Hello and welcome to LIVE LIVE of the men’s 4 × 7.5 km relay in Kontiolahti (Finland), a race valid for the ninth stage of the 2022 Biathlon World Cup.

Kontiolahti men’s relay program

Hello and welcome to LIVE LIVE of the men’s 4 × 7.5 km relay in Kontiolahti, a race valid for the ninth stage of the 2022 World Cup, the first after the Beijing Games. This is the last men’s relay of the season and therefore the specialty ranking will also be played there.

Seen the absences from Belarus, Ukraine and Russia for well known reasons, and considering the forfeits of the Boe brothers, it will be France by Antonin Guigonnat, Emilien Jacquelin, Simon Desthieux and Quentin Fillon Maillet the number 1 favorite for the final victory in today’s test.

Italy will descend on the Finnish snow with the quartet formed by Thomas Bormolini, Lukas Hofer, Didier Bionaz and Tommaso Giacomel and will go hunting for the podium. To play for the very first positions with the Bel Paese there will be, in addition of course to the France, also there Norway, Germany and Sweden.

Follow with us the LIVE LIVE of the men’s 4 × 7.5 km relay in Kontiolahti, an appointment valid for the ninth stage of the 2022 World Cup. The race will start at 14:30 and we will tell you about the entire test with our updates. in real time, don’t miss it!

Photo: LaPresse

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