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Norway Shooter Has Been Under Surveillance By Intelligence Since 2015


Police Norway has arrested a man suspected of being the perpetrator shooting which left 2 people dead near a gay bar in Oslo, Norway. Suspected perpetrator terrorist has been monitored by Norwegian intelligence since 2015.

As reported by AFP, Sunday (26/6/2022), the shooting incident occurred on Saturday (25/6), at around 01.00 local time. Two people were reported killed and dozens more injured in the shooting.

The perpetrator has now been arrested by the security forces. However, the Norwegian Domestic Intelligence Service PST, which is in charge of counter-terrorism, said the attack was an act of terrorism.

“The suspect has a long history of violence and threats,” said PST chief Roger Berg.

In addition, Berg said the suspect had actually been monitored by his side since 2015. In fact, Norwegian intelligence had spoken with the perpetrator a month before the shooting incident.

“The suspect has been on PST’s radar since 2015 due to concerns about his radicalization and membership in extremist networks,” Berg told a news conference.

“The intelligence services spoke with the suspect last month but did not consider him to have any violent intentions,” Berg continued.

Later, he added that PST also learned that the suspect had “difficulties with his mental health”.

Until now, the alleged terrorist still refuses to be questioned by investigators.

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