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Norway Repeals Rule Allowing Expelled Asylum Seekers to Apply for Skilled Worker Residence


The rule that gave Maria Amelie residence in Norway in her time has been repealed. Here she is photographed during a book launch in 2014. Photo: Torstein Bøe / NTB

The seas

20. May 2023 05:12 – Updated 20 May 2023 05:14

In 2017, UDI informed VG that twelve people had been granted residence through the provision, which was called “Lex Amelie”.

Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) writes in another email The class struggle that the provision “was repealed because it was little used, but entailed a lot of extra work for the UDI”.

Mehl further writes that “it is desirable to have common criteria for the assessment of the lifting of the entry ban; no special rules for skilled foreigners or other groups”.

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