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Norway and 26 other countries ask China to reverse new legislation – VG

Norway and 26 other countries ask China to reverse new legislation – VG

AUTHORITY TURN: On Monday, Chinese authorities announced new, much stricter legislation for Hong Kong. Photo: Vetle Halvorsen / VG

Hong Kong residents face increased surveillance, increased control and a restriction of rights. 27 countries, including Norway, ask China to reverse the law.

On Monday, the Legislative Assembly voted in favor of the Security Act, and today President Xi has signed it to formally enter into force.

On Tuesday, the United Kingdom’s ambassador to the UN read a statement, in the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, on behalf of 27 countries – including Norway. The statement stated that the countries are withdrawing from the law, asking China to reverse it.

Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H) states to VG that she is concerned that the new legislation reflects too little the population’s views.

– Any legislation should aim to protect the interests and safety of its citizens. It is therefore important that people’s views are reflected when new laws are introduced, says Søreide.

– The new Hong Kong security legislation is cause for concern. We fear that the new legislation could raise the level of conflict and restrict civil and political rights and the democratic space in Hong Kong.

Drastic changes

Chinese authorities have released a number of details on the disputed Hong Kong security law through the Xinhua News Agency on Tuesday.

Among other things, they warn that one can be sentenced to life in prison for attempting to break out of China. It also warns that terrorism can be punished with up to life in prison, according to Reuters news agency.

They also announce that the law will come into force at 3pm GMT on Tuesday, which means the law has already entered into force.

The law is tailor-made for Hong Kong, which was returned to China after British rule in 1997. Since then, it has been a special administrative region, which was to continue a capitalist economic system and self-government in the judiciary and legislation for at least 50 years.

ONE MINUTE SILENCE: Democrats in Hong Kong have a minute’s silence after the law was introduced on June 30. Foto: TYRONE SIU / X02605

Background: China passed disputed security law in Hong Kong

Increased monitoring

According to Reuters, Beijing authorities say the new legislation is needed to prevent detachment, resistance and terrorism following the protests that escalated in June last year.

These details are published today:

  • The law will override existing law in Hong Kong.
  • Companies that act in violation of national security law will be fined and may be forced to close.
  • Terrorist acts will be sentenced to life, and the definition of “terrorist acts” is expanded. Among other things, it will be seen as a terrorist act to destroy transport vehicles and equipment, according to Reuters.
  • National security authorities in Hong Kong will not be controlled by local authorities.
  • Authorities can monitor and intercept persons suspected of endangering national security.
  • People who violate the new legislation we could not stand for election.
  • The law will also apply to people without permanent residence in Hong Kong.
  • The law will strengthen the control of foreign news agencies and independent organizations.
  • The Hong Kong leader will appoint judges for national security matters.
  • Property related to violations of the new legislation may be frozen and confiscated.

CELEBRATION: China supporters celebrate champagne after the law was passed. Foto: TYRONE SIU / X02605

– Deeply worried

Critics have said they fear the law will end Hong Kong’s independence: the new law allows China to overrule Hong Kong’s local government in order to punish acts deemed a threat to national security and that challenge the power of the state.

Amnesty fears that the most important function of the new Security Act will be to circumvent freedom of expression and legal security for the citizens.

Political adviser in Amnesty, Gerald Folkvord, has previously told VG that the law is a major setback for democracy.

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