Home » World » Northern Lights visible from Fryslân to South Limburg due to strongest solar storm in 20 years

Northern Lights visible from Fryslân to South Limburg due to strongest solar storm in 20 years

RTV NOF | Erik Visser

Saturday May 11, 2024

REGION – On Friday evening and night, the rare natural phenomenon of the Northern Lights could be admired in many places in the region, even as far away as South Limburg. This unique spectacle could be observed with the naked eye and is expected to be visible on Saturday evening and next night. This phenomenon is attributed to the most powerful solar storm in more than two decades, which is expected to last throughout the weekend.

Solar storms, eruptions of electrically charged particles from the sun, can affect several technologies and systems, including GPS, power grids, spacecraft and satellite navigation, according to the US Agency for Meteorology and Oceanography (NOAA).

This rare natural phenomenon has prompted many people to seek out the dark night skies, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mesmerizing spectacle. The unusual visibility as far as South Limburg is normally mainly seen in the polar regions.

Author: Editorial RTV NOF

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RTV NOF | Erik Visser

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