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North Sumatra KPAD Suggests Bride Candidates for HIV / AIDS Test

The Deputy Governor of North Sumatra when receiving an audience for the North Sumatra HIV / AIDS Commission.

tobasatu.com, Medan | The number of HIV / AIDS cases in North Sumatra continues to grow, with a cumulative total currently reaching 21 thousand cases. Therefore, the dissemination of information regarding the dangers and efforts to prevent this infectious disease needs to be continuously improved.

The North Sumatra AIDS Commission (KPAD) has even suggested that HIV / AIDS tests be carried out on the prospective bride and groom.

According to the head of the North Sumatra KPAD, Ikrimah Hamidy, the proposal has been officially submitted to the North Sumatra DPRD in the form of a Regional Regulation Draft (Ranperda) on HIV / AIDS prevention, where one of the points is about HIV / AIDS testing for prospective brides.

“We took the initiative to get the bride and groom tested for HIV / AIDS before marriage. The goal is that if a bride and groom are infected, they can immediately be handled and taken. People who are infected are not unable to get married, but they must use special treatment and protocols, ”said Ikrimah, after having an audience with the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) Musa Rajekshah at the Deputy Governor’s Office, Jalan Teuku Daud Medan, Wednesday (23/12 / 2020).

Ikrimah Hamidy hopes there will be synergy from all policy holders to take precautions through outreach. Like the Education Office, it could emphasize schools to provide education about HIV / AIDS to students and teachers.

Moreover, according to Ikrimah, millennials are the group with the largest percentage of infections at this time.

“The most percentage of infections is among millennials, school children to university students. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct socialization to millennials starting from school children and teachers, “he said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, Musa Rajekshah, asked the KPAD to continue to carry out activities to increase public awareness about HIV / AIDS. In addition, the North Sumatra Provincial Government (Pemprov) will also write to districts / cities to participate in disseminating information on HIV AIDS.

To people infected with HIV / AIDS, the Deputy Governor also hopes that he will immediately report himself to be recorded by the relevant agencies.

Also accompanying Deputy Governor Musa Rajekshah, Head of Health Office of North Sumatra Alwi Mujahit and Head of Community Empowerment of Aspan Village, Sofian. (ts-02)

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