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North Sumatra KPAD: 21,076 Residents Exposed to HIV/AIDS – Alert Online

FIELD, Waspada.co.id – Chairman of the Regional Aids Control Commission (KPAD) of North Sumatra (North Sumatra), Ikrimah Hamidy said as many as 21,076 residents were exposed to HIV/AIDS and most of them were at a young age.

“Now there are around 80 percent of those who are exposed, with an age range of 19 to 39 years,” said Ikrimah Hamidy when confirmed, Tuesday (6/7).

It was stated that the cause of the exposed residents was due to unprotected sex. The highest sex relationship, he continued, was due to drug use.

“The spread by injection is minimal, but the drug is a type of methamphetamine that encourages excessive and unsafe sexual behavior. So the methamphetamine indirectly encourages the spread,” he said.

In addition, Ikrimah said, currently the North Sumatra KPAD has collaborated with
National Narcotics Agency (BNN) to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS caused by sex due to drug use.

“We are also preparing to make a Training Of Trainer (TOT) to provide socialization about HIV/AIDS. This TOT will target people in one agency who will participate in the campaign to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS,” he said.

Furthermore, Ikrimah revealed that her party is also proposing a Draft Regional Regulation (Ranperda) to the North Sumatra DPRD regarding HIV/AIDS. As for one of the contents of the article of the proposed Ranperda it obliges the bride and groom to be tested for HIV/AIDS.

“We are here to arrange several things in the Ranperda. The targets are several pressure points, namely early prevention through HIV/AIDS testing for prospective brides,” he said.

According to him, the HIV/AIDS test was carried out with the aim that when a married couple without being tested, they could actually explain it to their partner.

“There has been an incident because the man was positive, married, a few years later his wife was positive, the child was also born positive. This is what we anticipate,” he said.

It is known that the proposed Ranperda on HIV/AIDS is being discussed by the North Sumatra DPRD. Ikrimah explained that her party would be involved in discussing the articles in the Ranperda.

“The draft regulation is still being discussed. insyaAllah On July 12, 2021, we will be invited by the Legislative Body of the North Sumatra Provincial DPRD to discuss the articles in the Ranperda,” he concluded. (wol / man / d2)


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