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North | Miscellaneous facts. Boar butchered on the jogger’s route

“I’m 50 years old and used to come for a run in the forest for years, but it’s the first time I’ve seen something like this. It’s a shame ! This inhabitant of Filstroff still can’t believe it. Sunday January 3, when he started his morning jog in the woods of Bouzonville, behind the fitness trail, with his dog, the latter pointed his muzzle at a still fresh wild boar carcass. The animal had been butchered, the skin having been found in the ditch within five meters of the bones. “The worst thing, says the runner, is that this is obviously not the first time that this has happened. A hunter told me that this was the case recently near Waldweistroff. The Filstroffois reported the facts to the town hall, without forgetting to film his macabre discovery and to post the video on social networks.

So, isolated or recurrent practice? On the side of the Thionville and Boulay gendarmerie companies, commander and deputy indicate that they are not warned of such practices. A response shared by Armel Chabane, the mayor of Bouzonville: “As soon as something happens in the Bouzonville forest, I am notified by the ONF (National Forestry Office) and my technical services. I have never been confronted with this type of problem, even before being mayor. ”

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