A report published by the official North Korean news agency warned Tuesday that the joint military exercises being conducted by South Korea and the United States could cause a “thermonuclear war”.
The North Korean Central News Agency report denounced the joint “Ulchi Freedom Shield” maneuvers between Seoul and Washington that began on Tuesday, describing them as “aggressive in nature.”
What are the main points that focus on the joint exercises between Seoul and Washington?
• It will include various emergency exercises, such as the computer-simulated command post exercise, simultaneous field training, and the Ulchi civil defense exercise.
• The South Korean “Yonhap” agency quoted an official of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as saying that about 30 field exercises are scheduled for the two allies during the “Ulchi Freedom Shield” for this year, compared to 25 exercises during the “Freedom Shield” spring exercises for this year, and 13 exercises in Ulchi Freedom Shield last year.
• This year’s exercises include scenarios to train forces for rapid transition in wartime, as well as to deal with false information that Pyongyang may spread during war or in an emergency.
• The US Aerospace Forces will take part in the exercises as well as allied Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps personnel, according to US forces stationed in South Korea.
• The US military launched the Space Force in Korea in December last year, which is a component of the US forces stationed in South Korea.
• The exercises will be joined by personnel from 9 member states of the United Nations Command, the main implementer of the armistice that stopped fighting in the Korean War (1950-1953), which are Australia, Canada, France, Britain, Greece, Italy, New Zealand, the Philippines and Thailand, along with Korean and American forces.
• The Neutral Nations Truce Supervision Committee, which includes representatives from Sweden and Switzerland, will attend the exercises.
#North #Korean #warning #nuclear #war…the #reason #Shield #Freedom
2023-08-21 22:22:00