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North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Visits Fighter Jet Factory and Expands Air Power


During his visit to Russia, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visited a fighter jet factory and made efforts to overcome the country’s absolute inferiority in air power.

Our military is widening the gap further by deciding to additionally introduce the F-35A, a stealth fighter.

Reporter Seongjae Lim reports.


Chairman Kim Jong-un visited Yuri Gagarin’s fighter jet factory during his 5-night, 6-day visit to Russia.

I boarded the Sukhoi-57, the latest Russian stealth fighter jet, and listened to the explanation seriously and nodded.

[조선중앙TV : 5세대 전투기의 기술적 특성과 비행 성능에 대한 구체적인 해설을 들으셨습니다.]

In response to this, there was an interpretation that this was an attempt to take advantage of the air force, which is absolutely inferior compared to Korea and the United States, that is, modernization of fighter jets and procurement of parts.

In his commemorative speech at the National Defense Development Exhibition the year before last, Chairman Kim also emphasized strengthening national defense capabilities by showing blatant caution over our military’s introduction of the F-35A stealth fighter jet.

[조선중앙TV (2021년 10월) : 국방을 강화하는 사업은 우리 당과 정부와 인민이 한시도 놓치지 말아야 할 필수적이고 사활적인 중대국사로 되고 있다고 말씀하셨습니다.]

Currently, there are 40 F-35A fighter jets introduced into our military.

It is positioned as a core force in the ‘kill chain’ of the Korean 3-axis system.

With its stealth function that prevents it from being detected by enemy radar, a maximum speed of Mach 1.6, and a combat radius of over 1,000 km, it is responsible for secretly infiltrating and bombing major North Korean facilities in case of emergency.

In addition, the military has decided to introduce additional F-35As by 2028.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency under the U.S. Department of Defense has provisionally approved the purchase of F-35 equipment worth 6.7 trillion won requested by the Korean government.

It included F-35 fighter jets and engines, electronic warfare equipment, and logistics and technical support.

[신종우 / 한국국방안보포럼 사무국장 : 5세대 전투기인 F-35 전투기는 현존하는 전투기 중에서 레이더에 대한 반사 면적도 가장 좁고, (새로 도입하는 기종은) 기존 전투기보다 업그레이드되는 버전이어서 북한이 F-35를 탐지할 수도 없을 뿐 아니라….]

With 25 additional aircraft expected to be introduced in the future, our military’s aviation power is expected to be further strengthened.

This is Seongjae Lim from YTN.

Video editing: Lim Jong-moon

Graphics: Wonhee Lee

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#North #Koreas #air #force #absolutely #inferior.. #Kim #Jongun #introduces #additional #F35s
2023-09-23 21:23:00

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