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North Korea Reopens Borders for Nationals Living Abroad After Four-Year Closure

North Korea (Korut) opened its borders for the first time since 2020. Photo/Illustration

SEOUL North Korea (North Korea) has officially reopened its borders to its citizens living abroad after being closed for nearly four years. This was announced by state media on Sunday (27/8/2023).

“North Korean nationals overseas have been allowed to return to their countries, in accordance with North Korea’s State Emergency Epidemic Prevention Headquarters (SEEPH) decision to adjust the anti-epidemic level in view of the easing of the worldwide pandemic situation,” the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) report.

“Returnees will be placed under proper medical supervision in the quarantine ward for a week,” the report continued NK News.

But the report did not provide further explanation about where the quarantine centers are located, or what will happen to residents who return and test positive for Covid-19.

The announcement also appeared on page 4 of Rodong Sinmun, which was the first time domestic audiences were informed about the reopening of borders to citizens abroad in the ruling party-run newspaper.

It was not immediately clear where the North Korean nationals who returned home would spend the week in quarantine. However, analysis of NK Pro satellite imagery shows that North Korea has built as many as 50 Covid-19 quarantine facilities across the country since the pandemic began.

“I don’t expect a significant arrival of diplomats and experts,” said Andrei Lankov, Kookmin University professor and director of holding company NK News.

“Most likely, North Koreans will open up their country very conditionally and initially only to citizens of friendly countries which in practice means China and Russia,” he added.

2023-08-27 06:05:23
#Borders #Open #North #Koreans #Homecoming #Time

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