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North Korea Missile Launch Sparks Tensions With US and South Korea

A ministry statement carried by the Korean Central News Agency referred to the arrival of the US nuclear-powered submarine (Missouri) in South Korea as the latest move proving that Washington is considering a nuclear war.

North Korean missile launch

Earlier, the South Korean army said that North Korea launched an unspecified ballistic missile on Sunday towards the East Sea, known as the Sea of ​​Japan.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement that “North Korea fired an unspecified ballistic missile toward the East Sea,” without providing further details.

This launch comes at a time when Seoul and Washington warned Pyongyang that any nuclear attack on the United States and South Korea would mark the end of the ruling regime in North Korea.

The two allies held their second session of the Nuclear Advisory Group in Washington on Friday, where they discussed nuclear deterrence in the event of a war with North Korea.

The launch also coincides with Pyongyang’s celebration of the anniversary of the death of leader Kim Jong Un’s father and predecessor Kim Jong Il, who passed away on December 17, 2011.

Last year, North Korea considered its status as a nuclear power to be “irreversible,” declaring on several occasions that it would never abandon its nuclear program, which the regime in this country considers essential for its continuation.

Pyongyang succeeded in launching its “Malygyong-1” satellite last month, confirming that it allowed it to monitor key sites in the United States and South Korea.

#North #Korea #Washington #Seoul #making #reckless #moves
2023-12-17 14:41:24

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