Home » today » News » North Korea is closely following the current situation, which is very worrying for the training of the US aircraft carrier in the East Sea

North Korea is closely following the current situation, which is very worrying for the training of the US aircraft carrier in the East Sea

North Korean Defense Ministry spokesman: “Military bluff on our army showing legitimate reaction”
“The negative impact on the local situation is very great only by re-entering the strike group of carriers”

North Korea is taking it seriously, saying it is a “military swagger” against South Korea and the United States holding a joint naval exercise involving the US Navy’s nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, CVN. -76, 103,000 tons, East Sea on the 8th. “He said.

“Currently, the US nuclear aircraft carrier strike group Ronald Reagan is conducting a joint naval exercise against us on the high seas of the East Sea of ​​Korea with South Korean (South Korean) puppet navy ships,” a ministry spokesman said. the same day in a question and answer session with a reporter from the Korean Central News Agency, of the Defense of North Korea.

“This is clearly a military bluff to send a so-called warning about our military’s legitimate response to the extremely provocative and threatening joint military exercise between the United States and South Korea,” the spokesman said. We are taking it seriously, “he threatened.

North Korea’s mention of the “legitimate military response” appears to refer to a series of recent ballistic missile launches.

“The fact that the United States re-entered the waters of the Korean peninsula in a few days has a huge negative impact on the regional situation,” the spokesman said.

It has been analyzed that this reaction from the North Korean Ministry of Defense, which is the Ministry of National Defense of South Korea, suggests that it will respond with armed demonstrations such as ballistic missile launches in response to joint US-South Korea exercises.

From the 7th to the present, South Korea and the United States will conduct joint sea maneuvering exercises to enhance their combined defense capabilities on the high seas of the East Sea.

Navy destroyer Munmu the Great and the Donghae frigate were deployed in this exercise.

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan, cruiser Aegis Chancellorville and destroyers Aegis Benfold and Barry participated in the United States Navy.

The Reagan will move into the sea southeast of Jeju Island on this day.

Previously, the Reagan aircraft carrier strike team arrived in Busan on the 23rd of last month, completed the joint ROK-US maritime exercise on the 26th and 29th, and South Korea-US anti-submarine warfare training. Japan on the 30th, and then moved to the waters of Japan.

However, on the 4th, when North Korea launched a provocation to launch an intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) and fly it for 4,500 km, the next day, on the 5th, it veered sharply and re-entered the East Sea.

/ yunhap news

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