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North. Disappearance of a retired couple, all avenues considered

Numerous investigations, hearings, research: almost a month after the disappearance of a retired couple from Roubaix (North), the investigators are still looking for a lead, not excluding any hypothesis, we learned from the prosecution .

“All hypotheses are being considered at the moment,” said Lille prosecutor Carole Etienne. An investigation had been opened “as soon as the worrying disappearance of the couple was reported to the Roubaix police station on January 5” by the spouse’s sister.

These octogenarians, from Roubaix, “would not have given any sign of life since January 1, when they would have taken the road by car” from Mairieux, near Maubeuge, “from where they left around 6 p.m. to return to their home in Roubaix,” said the prosecutor.

Phone tracing

“Numerous investigations have been carried out (telephone, banking, SDIS, hospitals, home visits, etc.), hearings of the couple’s entourage carried out, checks carried out after the call for witnesses launched on January 9 and searches carried out ( reconnaissance of routes and aerial searches), ”detailed the prosecution.

“The last call received on the couple’s mobile phone took place on January 1 at 6:47 p.m.”, located in La Longueville (North).

“The latest elements of tracing the mobile make it possible to locate the latter the same day in Marly at 7:09 p.m.”, near Valenciennes, on a road route between Marieux and Roubaix, indicated the prosecutor, an element which “will make it possible to concentrate a little research better.

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