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“Norovirus Outbreak Sweeps Northeast, CDC Urges Infected Individuals to Stay Home”

Norovirus Outbreak Sweeps Northeast, CDC Urges Infected Individuals to Stay Home

A highly contagious stomach virus, known as norovirus, is rapidly spreading throughout the Northeast region of the United States, causing widespread illness and discomfort. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a warning, urging infected individuals to stay home in order to prevent further transmission of the virus.

The rising number of norovirus cases has left many people concerned and uncertain about what to expect. Likia Hagans, who recently witnessed her best friend battle the virus, expressed her fears, stating, “It’s scary because at this point you don’t know what to expect.” She hopes to avoid falling victim to the virus herself.

Dr. Aaron Martin, a gastroenterologist for Jefferson Health, explains that those infected with norovirus become contagious very quickly. He notes that the symptoms are easily distinguishable from those of a common cold or the flu. While respiratory symptoms such as coughing and sore throat are typical of the flu, norovirus manifests with a quick onset and distinct symptoms.

The virus has been spreading rapidly in recent months, with positivity rates exceeding 16% in the northeast United States. Dr. Martin attributes this surge to the fact that people spend more time indoors during this time of year, leading to close contact with others and facilitating the spread of the virus.

Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for norovirus. However, there are preventive measures individuals can take to minimize their risk of infection. Regular handwashing is crucial in preventing the transmission of the virus. Michael Derosoiers emphasizes the importance of personal hygiene, stating, “I think we’ve proved personal hygiene normally knocks a lot of these things out.”

In addition to handwashing, it is advisable to stay away from individuals who are already sick. The CDC recommends that infected individuals stay home for at least 48 hours after their symptoms have subsided. Furthermore, it is important to maintain distance from those who are most vulnerable to severe illness, such as children, the elderly, and individuals with compromised immune systems.

As the norovirus outbreak continues to sweep through the Northeast, it is essential for individuals to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to protect themselves and others. By practicing good hygiene and following the guidelines provided by healthcare professionals, we can collectively work towards minimizing the impact of this highly contagious virus.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and remember to wash your hands regularly!

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