Home » today » News » Nord-Fosen Siida Demands Fair Mediation in Wind Power Dispute, Challenges Ministry and Calls for UN Involvement

Nord-Fosen Siida Demands Fair Mediation in Wind Power Dispute, Challenges Ministry and Calls for UN Involvement

– It is important to understand that Nord-Fosen always negotiates with a “gun against the temple”.

This is stated in the letter sent to the Prime Minister. They describe it as a message of concern.

“As prime minister, you have the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the repair process that is now taking place takes place in a fair and correct manner,” the letter says.

– Siidaen has put forward a concrete proposal for a solution. We have asked the Prime Minister to help ensure that this proposal is thoroughly considered and the subject of an open discussion.

That’s what Jon-Andreas Lange, lawyer for the northern group of reindeer-herding Sámi on Fosen, Nord-Fosen siida, says.

Strongly criticizes the ministry

Siidaen believes the Ministry of Energy has been incompetent in the matter.

“The process was characterized by a lack of dialogue, where the ministry’s strategy was to do nothing at all until the Siidae accepted a new investigation of the whole matter.”

Roan Vind’s plant north of Fosen consists of 71 turbines.

Photo: Aerial Photo NRK: Tariq Alisubh

They justify this by the fact that they negotiate without feeling that they have real influence, because a kind of rice is outlined behind the mirror.

The risk is that the state will run a new, long-term investigation process if the mediations do not lead to success, and where the wind power plant will remain for the time the process takes.

“It is important to understand that Nord-Fosen always negotiates with a ‘gun against the temple’. Siidaen has been repeatedly informed by the OED and the developers that the alternative to a settlement is that a new administrative decision (by the OED) is made, and that regardless of the content of the decision, this will end with many new years in the courts, while the Roan wind power plant will remain standing.the letter says.

They believe this is an outcome which means that the reindeer herding will collapse.

“This is a violent and unreasonable means of pressure against the siida. Such an outcome would entail a new violation of human rights. It is contrary to the obligation to repair, as well as the state’s independent duty to ensure reindeer husbandry. »

Lawyer for Nord-Fosen siida, Jon Andreas Lange at the Dalan law firm, asks the Prime Minister for a thorough assessment of the letter they have sent. Together with lawyer Knut Hurum, he represents the siida in the case”.

Photo: Synnøve Hole / NRK

The Ministry of Energy refers to comments from the Prime Minister’s office.

– The Prime Minister will normally respond to the letter before responding to the media. This is an ongoing mediation. Discussion of possible solutions belongs in the mediation room, says State Secretary Halvard Ingebrigtsen (Ap).

Is still an ongoing human rights violation

Just before Christmas, the southern group of reindeer at Fosen reached an agreement with the state and developer Fosen Vind.

The agreement means that the ongoing violation of human rights ceases in the south of Fosen.

It still remains to reach an agreement in the northern part.

The company Roan Vind has 71 turbines here.

The license for the development of the wind power plant is known to be invalid by the Supreme Court in Storkammen.

– We have not given up on the Prime Minister contributing to a thorough assessment of our proposal, says Lange, who represents the law firm Dalan.

In the letter, he points out that a fundamental requirement for the further mediation is that the SIIDA’s proposal for a solution must be the subject of open and free discussion between the parties.

“Nord-Fosen always experiences that their proposals for compromises are ‘shot down’, without any comprehensible reasons being given or a meaningful dialogue about them carried out.”, the letter says.

State Secretary Ingebrigtsen wants there to be an agreement with Nord-Fosen siida as well.

– The government hopes that it is possible to reach an amicable agreement also between the parties at Nordfossen, he says.

Maintains that turbines must come down

The Siida points out that a total of six wind turbines have been built in the winter grazing areas of Nord-Fosen Siida with a total of 201 turbines.

Siidaen has accepted five of the wind power plants with a total of 129 turbines. But said no to the Roan wind power plant with 71 turbines because this was an area they are completely dependent on.

They say that with all the development, including Roan, there is not enough winter grazing to continue.

There is an urgent need to regain lost grazing land.

It has been developed for power production in several of the winter grazing areas of Nord-Fosen siida. This picture is from Roan.

Photo: Ingrid Lindgaard Stranden / no

Siidaen believes that their proposed proposal that 45 erected turbines be taken down to repair the violation of human rights must be subjected to a serious and thorough assessment.

“We perceive that the central counter-argument is the loss of expected profit from the illegal plant. Siidaen believes that this counterargument must be seen in the light of the fact that the State and Statkraft have huge incomes from wind power at Fosen.”, the letter says.

Communications manager Stein Tore Laugen at Aneo has previously estimated to NRK that they have annual income in Roan of around NOK 300 million.

According to one analysis done by Europower the two wind power plants have generated one billion kroner in revenue, just since the verdict was handed down two years ago.

Wants the Sami Parliament and NIM to participate in the negotiations

When the solution came for the southern group, emphasized The Norwegian Institution for Human Rights (NIM) that it is urgent to get a conclusion on the human rights violation in the north.

NIM is an independent body subject to the Storting.

Siidaen’s lawyer points out that the basic requirement for the mediation is that an amicable solution must be within UN Article 27. And fulfill the principles of FPIC (free, prior, informed consent).

In order to ensure greater balance and broader competence in the mediation, it may be desirable for the Norwegian Institution for Human Rights and the Sami Parliament to participate in the next meeting, they believe.

Sami Parliament President Silje Karine Moutka has strongly criticized the state’s handling of the Fosen case.

Photo: Ingrid Lindgaard Stranden / no

They also want to include Statkraft.

In 2021, Statkraft sold its 52.1 percent share in the Roan wind farm to Aneo and partner Stadtwerke München.

Aneo is owned by TrønderEnergi and the fund HitecVision.

The contract between Statkraft and Aneo states that the buyers of Statkraft’s 52.1 per cent stake in Roan Vind are held harmless for potential losses as a result of the Fosen case.

This means that Statkraft receives a financial burden in both wind power plants.

This is reproduced in Statkraft’s annual report for 2022.

The Siida say they are writing to the Prime Minister because they are deeply concerned that the process they are in constitutes and ends with a new violation of human rights against the Siida:

“We hope that you, as the person in charge, understand the siida’s concern, and that you take your responsibility to ensure that the further mediation process takes place in a fair way, without abuse of the power the negotiating position gives the state and the developer. »

Transport of turbine parts. The wind power plant at Roan was completed in 2019.

Photo: Ingrid Lindgaard the beach
2024-01-05 18:19:01

#NordFosen #side #mediations #Negotiating #gun #temple

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