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Norbert Hofer: “Don’t run if VdB is running”

How long will Ibiza the FPÖ still chasing?

That will take until the Vienna election. After the Vienna election, the corresponding steps are also taken by the judiciary so that the topic is politically ended.

In the past few weeks, people have heard that it is in the FPÖ rumbles because you are not satisfied with the double top. Many want a party leader who is a mix of you and Herbert Kickl is. Are you still firmly in the saddle?

I can not confirm that. Neither did the wording of the double head. The party did not go well with exaggerating a personality. We are not a pop band, but a party. The FPÖ is set up to a certain extent. I like that Herbert Kickl Gas because I can’t do certain things as the third President of the National Council. And I don’t change for politics. That was also my secret of success in the Hofburg election.

Do you still want to become Federal President?

If Alexander Van der Bellen I run again, and I will not run. I would not recommend this to the party because it is usually in Austria it is not possible to win against the incumbent federal president.

Gitti Ederer celebrates a comeback on the ÖBB supervisory board that you have changed. Do you locate the first dissonances in turquoise green?

That is a decision of Minister Gewessler. Whether the coalition partner the various new appointments in the ÖBB, the Austro Control, but also the realignment in Ministry of Justice will be exciting. Especially since the Federal Chancellor from the renovation in Ministry of Justice reportedly learned during the answer to the Urgent Question in Parliament.

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