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Norbert Blüm dead: his family speaks out – and names his last big wish

“The pension is safe” – almost everyone knew this sentence by Norbert Blüm. Now the CDU politician has died.

  • Norbert Blüm was permanent minister of Helmut Kohl.
  • A sentence of CDU politician is particularly well known: “The pension is safe”.
  • Now the former Minister of Labor and Social Affairs has died at the age of 84.

Update from April 27: A few days after his death, the relatives of Norbert Blüm speak on the express – and more: they mention his last great wish:

“If you want to support the humanitarian concerns of the deceased, we kindly ask you to donate to the Kinderothilfe, keyword” Norbert Blüm “.

Donation account Kinderothilfe e.V. IBAN: DE 92 3506 0190 0000 4545 40

The man who described the pension as secured and who still traveled far to refugee camps at the age of 80 shows his big heart once again.

All in all, the many positive statements made after Blüm’s death gave the family strength. “Of course we are happy that the reactions are positive, The sentence: The pension is safe, has always been like an eternal sledgehammer. But we notice that he is seen differently today, ”says his son Christian, according to the report.

His widow Marita explains: “He would be very happy that there is now a second opinion. At the time, he was right. There is no malice and you can see how popular he was. I am particularly pleased that so many people are finally able to appreciate this sentence. There is only good left of his legacy. ”

Blüm spent his last hours with the family. He fell asleep peacefully. “It was nice that he could be in his garden until the end and that we exchanged a lot,” says Christian.

At the beginning of May, Norbert Blüm is buried in Bonn.

The then CDU MP Norbert Blüm in 1976 in the Bundestag.

© dpa / Egon Steiner

April 26 update: After the death of the former Minister of Labor Norbert Blüm many newspapers publish obituaries. So honors President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) him in a guest post for the newspaper world as a companion, “whose humanity and Rhenish humor I will never forget”.

Schäuble writes about his former party colleague: “Norbert Blüm had a fighting spirit. He already proved this as an apprentice and toolmaker at Opel when he campaigned for youth rights as a youth representative. Later, as a committed social politician, he was by no means always in agreement with the party chairman and the Federal Chancellor, but he never avoided the argument, which distinguished him. ”

Schäuble on the death of Norbert Blüm: “Nobody who preached water and drank wine”

Schäuble also remembers in the world (items behind pay barrier): In his person, being a Christian was combined in a special way with the conviction of the Democrat. He was not someone who preached water and drank wine, nor did his sense of justice end at national borders. In his international commitment to human rights, he had the courage to speak out in an unsafe place. ”

Schäuble writes with great appreciation about Blüm’s pioneering introduction of the legal care insurance in 1995. “We will lack its disarming directness in the political public,” explains Schäuble and closes his obituary: “If his striking, wrongly often ridiculed statement about the safe pension is remembered, not only a political promise survives and an important obligation of the welfare state, but above all a very personal political ethos. “

Norbert Blüm is dead: Merkel posts moving picture – Seehofer says goodbye emotionally

Update from April 25, 8:20 a.m .: “He had the head of a keen and differentiated thinker.” With this appreciation, he also came forward Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer in one obituary for the Image newspaper to the late Norbert Blüm (CDU): In it he called him his “Teacher”. Together they had fought for Christian social values ​​and positions, said the CSU politician. That is why they were called the “Sacred Heart Socialists”. He also paid tribute to Blüm’s oeuvre: “As an advocate of Christian social teaching, he spent his life searching for the middle ground between the welfare state and neoliberalism. And he was successful. ”

Flower according to Seehofer “Political veteran” of which there were only a few in the republic: “He had everything that makes up a complete politician. He was a man of high moral standards and had that Heart in the right place. He had the gut feeling and down-to-earth attitude not to take off. ”

Norbert Blüm died – politics mourns

Update from 16:28: Left-wing leader Bernd Riexinger has honored the late former Federal Minister of Labor Norbert Blüm (CDU) as the “social conscience” of the Union. “During his time as minister, he campaigned for the introduction of long-term care insurance and opposed the privatization of pensions,” Riexinger told AFP on Friday.

Flower had remained true “when he last spent a night in a tent in the Idomeni refugee camp”. This was a symbolic act “with which he drew attention to the plight of refugees and the inhumane consequences of German refugee policy”.

Flower traveled to Idomeni in 2016 to draw attention to the situation of the refugees there. The former minister died on Friday night at the age of 84. From 1982 to 1998 he was Federal Minister of Labor and Social Order under the then Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl (CDU).

Former Minister of Labor Norbert Blüm has died.

© picture alliance / dpa / Rolf Vennenbernd

Norbert Blüm is dead: Merkel is hard hit and posts a touching picture

Update from 12.15 p.m.: The death of Norbert Blüm causes dismay. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) said on Friday that together with Blüm she joined the cabinet ofHelmut Kohl listened and he had “strongly shaped” her work.

Blüm had known the workbench and the ministerial table alike, the Chancellor said in a statement. She paid tribute to Blüms for the introduction of the care insurancethat has been around for 25 years. The Chancellor had become aware of Blüm’s death “with great dismay”. She expresses her “deeply felt compassion” to relatives.

Norbert Blüm is dead – Steinmeier: “Outstanding political personality”

Frank-Walter Steinmeier praised the CDU politician in a letter of condolence to his widow as “outstanding personality in the history of Germany”. The Federal President continued: “His name will always remain closely linked to his extraordinary commitment to pension policy”.

Blüm was “an intrepid lawyer for the citizens and a reminder to preserve creation”. Steinmeier went on to say that Blüm was particularly fond of the younger generation with their questions about a just and ecological future.

Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) explained on Twitter:

Laschet on the death of Blüm: he was “social conscience of the Bonn Republic”

Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Armin Laschet has recognized Blüm as the “social conscience of the Bonn Republic”. Blüm was “one of the best-known and most popular personalities in post-war history,” said Laschet on Friday. “He was cheerful, close to people and arguable.”

Blüm fought for the weakest and at the same time was “brave towards the powerful”. “His appearance as a minister in Chile when he spoke to the dictator Pinochet I openly criticize open torture. “

The deputy CDU federal chairman also emphasized his personal connection to Blüm. “He gave me personal advice a lot, you could laugh with him and listen to him for hours,” wrote Laschet.

Health professional Karl Lauterbach (SPD) called Blüm a personal role model:

AKK on the death of Norbert Blüm: he was the reason to join the CDU

“Norbert Blüm was one of the reasons why I joined the CDU,” said the CDU chairwoman Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer in the Southwest Broadcasting. “He combined heart and expertise and humor in a distinctive personality. He was always clear and arguable in the best democratic sense, ”she said.

Norbert Blüm is dead – Lindner appreciates the humor of the CDU politician

The FDP chairman too Christian Lindner paid tribute to Blüm’s lifetime achievement and described him as a “passionate politician from the tradition of Catholic social teaching”. His party had argued with him over some questions of economic and pension policy. “Nevertheless, we have the greatest respect for his merits for our country,” tweeted Lindner. He also emphasized the great humor of Blum.

Norbert Blüm died: Helmut Kohl’s political companion for many years

First report from April 24th: Bonn – The former Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Norbert Blüm is dead. The CDU politician is aged 84 years died, his son said on Friday to the German Press Agency in Bonn. The family initially did not provide any further information. Since 2019, Blüm has been the result of one Blood poisoning * paralyzed on arms and legs and sat in a wheelchair.

Blüm was the only minister, the Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl accompanied the entire 16 years of his reign (1982-1998) in the cabinet. In the black and yellow coalition, depending on the political location, it was considered a “social conscience” or “social fig leaf”. His most sustainable achievement was the introduction of the care insurance 1995.

Norbert Blüm is dead: His “pension is certain” became the saying

However, one thing remained in memory Poster campaign from 1986: There he had his picture taken in front of an advertising column, on which a poster was emblazoned with the saying: “Because one thing is certain – the pension”. The shortened sentence “The pension is safe” became a saying.

The worker son from Rüsselsheim (born July 21, 1935) was a trained toolmaker. He did his Abitur at the evening high school, studied philosophy, history and theology. His political foster father, the CDU social politician Hans Katzer (1919-1996), made the committed IG Metall member 1968 the chief executive of the CDU social committees. From 1977 onwards, Blüm headed the Christian Democratic Workforce (CDA) for ten years.

Former Labor Minister Norbert Blüm was socially involved – and even did cabaret

After retiring from federal politics, Blüm continued to be socially involved, wrote books, appeared as a talk show guest on television and even did cabaret.

Blüm had been married to Marita Blüm since 1964, whom he had met during his studies. The couple had three children: two daughters and son Christian, who is a member of the Kölschrock band Brings.

dpa / AFP / frs

*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Rolf Vennenbernd

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