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non-stadium races. Metz, Clouange, Laquenexy, Batilly, Nancy… where to run this weekend in Lorraine?

The Mile in Metz

This is a great first in Metz and even in France! Usually run in a meeting, rather on the other side of the Atlantic, the mythical distance of the Mile will be contested for the first time outside the stadium this Sunday in Metz. It was several members of AS Cheminot who had the idea of ​​launching this very original event which is aimed at both specialists and the general public. Children too, but on 800 meters, can also participate. The start and finish will be judged at Place de la République for an event that promises to be festive. First departures at 9am Sunday morning.

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The Night Watch of Clouange

In 1982, Yvon Luconi, a karate teacher and high-level athlete, decided to organize a sporting event that would bring together all the people of Clouange: the Night Round took on its full meaning. Thirty-nine years later, the event still exists and is organized by the municipality. On the program for the runners, a 10 km in the streets of the town. Departure 7:30 p.m., Town Hall Square.

La Cunesienne in Laquenexy

It’s a ‘young’ race in the non-stadium racing calendar but it has already built up a solid reputation. The Cunesian , which offers two routes of 6 and 10 km, allows you to discover the heritage of Laquenexy, its famous fruit gardens but also its church, its Calvary and the pretty valley of the Nied Française. The start of the event will be given on Saturday 4 at 7 p.m.

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Arthur’s marathon at Batilly

Running for a good cause, in this case the fight against childhood cancer, here is the common thread of the Marathon d’Arthur, which will be the 4th Sunday.e edition at Batilly. The Meurthe-et-Mosellane event, the profits of which are donated to l’Aremig (Association for Research and Studies in Serious Childhood Diseases) will be disputed on Sunday morning. The children will get the ball rolling at 9:15 a.m., the senior race, a 10 km, will start at 10 a.m. from the Batilly sports complex. Inscriptions par internet still possible on race day.

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Ultra-trail Tour de Nancy

This is the running event this weekend in Lorraine. The Ultra-Trail Tour of Nancy will drain thousands of runners on Saturday and Sunday in the Nancy agglomeration with many different formats at stake (from 14 km to 125 km for the queen event) from Champigneulles. The longest, 125 km and more than 4400 meters of elevation gain, is enough to scare the most trained!

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