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Non-repayable transfers, the supports of the first tranch stop: the situation

The credits for those who had already benefited from the first tranche of the non-repayable fund would not yet be on the accounts. June 23 becomes decisive.

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Sostegni bis is being worked on but the promised contributions still do not arrive. Or rather, those who should have already arrived do not arrive because they are not connected (at least not strictly) to the new decree. A less complicated tour than it seems. Missing, at least for now, the transfers that should have started ex officio, as they are linked to the first Support Decree. Funds on which the beneficiaries had relied and that, for the moment, they would not have fulfilled the function envisaged for those who have incurred loss of turnover. The Minister of Economy, Daniele Franco, had brought forward the date of June 16 as the day of accreditation, at least initial.

However, there is currently no trace of automatic transfers. And the possible date of June 23, reported as that of the start of applications for the alternative contribution for those who have registered loss-making revenues in the last year. And, again at the moment, there seem to be no official explanations to stop the complaints of the beneficiaries of the lost fund. Not to mention that, shortly, new contributions should arrive provided for by the Sostegni bis Decree. A stalemate that is not good for Italy which officially entered the summer of 2021 today.

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Lost fund, no automatic transfers: the possible reasons

And to think that, for those who had already had access to the first tranche of support, the new accreditation could have represented an instrument of further contribution for the recovery phase. A second payment that did not even need to make a new application, considering that the first, unless the requirements changed, was also valid for the renewal of the measure. A thoughtful arrangement precisely to simplify the accreditation procedure and promptly deliver refreshments to recipients. A slowdown, certainly, but for now not clearly identified. There are no recent updates on the dedicated section of the Revenue Agency website either.

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A situation that, if on the one hand it causes concern, on the other it could mean that the hitch is of little consequence and that it will soon be solved. What everyone is hoping for at this point, given the lack of concrete indications. Keeping an eye on the date of June 23 could be indicative: in case of arrival of the payments, it would have simply extended the period of a week, returning (without notice) on a date originally planned for the lost fund. Otherwise, it would mean that something went wrong and that both dates were only indicative. In two days maybe we will know more.

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