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Non-obvious habits that greatly reduce immunity

Smoking, alcohol, malnutrition, lack of sleep and stress are known to adversely affect health and reduce immunity. But there are many other, less obvious, but no less damaging factors.

Doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics Irina Tereshchenko and allergist-immunologist, candidate of medical sciences Yevgenia Zhukalina, told Gazeta.ru. Ru ”, which could be the reason for the frequent illnesses of adults and children.

“There are a number of habits that reduce immunity. At the same time, people often act with good intentions, thinking that they care about their health, “said Irina Tereshchenko, Clinical Laboratory Diagnostic Doctor, Medical Director of the CITILAB Laboratory. The specialist named six main habits to which he is better give up.

Abuse of antibacterial soap

“Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, store shelves have been filled with antibacterial hygiene products, and many people have completely replaced regular soap with antibacterial soap in their lives. However, this is not the best idea.

The fact is that antibacterial agents are more aggressive to the skin and contain substances that kill all bacteria, including those that normally live on the skin.

They also wash away the lipid layer, a barrier that protects us from infection.Moreover, thanks to the widespread use of triclosan (the main active ingredient in antibacterial soaps, deodorants, etc.), bacteria learn to adapt to it, and there c ‘there is a risk that at such a pace in the near future, these funds will become useless, ”said Tereshchenko.

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He advised using antibacterial soap when you really need it: for example after contact with a person with SARS, if someone in the house has a coronavirus infection, or after using public transport. In other situations, plain soap and warm water are sufficient.

Uncontrolled use of antibiotics

“Despite the fact that this group of drugs belongs to prescription drugs, patients often buy antibiotics and antibacterial drugs without a prescription. This not only makes no sense, but is also dangerous for the patient himself.

First, without consulting a doctor, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis. How will a patient tell a severe flu from bacterial pneumonia?

Antibiotics act only against bacteria and are powerless against viruses, which means that with the flu or SARS (if there is no concomitant bacterial infection), they will be completely useless.

Secondly, different groups of antibiotics are designed to treat infections of different localizations and to fight different groups of pathogens.

There is no universal antibiotic “for everything”, which means that choosing a drug for treatment alone is an ineffective measure.

Thirdly, many bacteria today have acquired resistance (immunity) to certain antibiotics. It is possible to find out which drug will be effective in a particular case only after a laboratory analysis.

Finally, antibiotics kill all bacteria, good and bad, including those involved in the body’s immune defenses.

The human microbiome is a complex system that normally protects us from dangerous viruses and bacteria and you can only interfere with it in an emergency, “Tereshchenko explained.

Visits to the doctor only when necessary

The doctor said that most people only go to the clinic when they feel uncomfortable, but there are a huge number of diseases that occur quietly and imperceptibly, without pronounced symptoms, but undermine health.

“This is especially true for chronic infections that reduce immunity and make the carrier vulnerable to other pathogens. Even conditionally healthy people with no complaints and symptoms need annual medical check-up and preventive laboratory check-up,” he said. the specialist.

closed windows

“Due to the risk of catching a cold during the cold season, many homes do not ventilate the room. However, a person needs fresh, clean air. Otherwise, bacteria and fungi linger in the room, which feel great in heat and humidity, actively multiplying, “warned Tereshchenko.

Lack of sleep hygiene

The doctor said that many people only pay attention to the amount of sleep and believe that if they spend enough time in bed, then everything is in order. “It is not enough to sleep only eight hours. It is important that this sleep is of high quality: in the dark, calm and cool, at times that correspond to the circadian rhythms. Sleep is essential for the functioning of the immune system,” adds Tereshchenko.

Love for dessert

The specialist told how the habit of indulging in sweets damages the immune system.

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“Sugar is one of the triggers of the inflammatory process, accelerates the aging process and indirectly reduces immunity. Therefore, those with a sweet tooth can get sick more often and recover more slowly, ”Tereshchenko said.

Allergies can hide in the guise of infectious diseases

“The symptoms of a cold are not always what they seem,” added the SITILAB laboratory expert, an allergist-immunologist Evgenia Zhukalina.

“Allergies can hide under the guise of infectious diseases. Up to 30% of frequently ill children are actually allergic to household allergens (house dust mites, animals or molds) and do not have reduced immunity.

This trend is also observed in adults. It happens that we think that once again we got sick with ARVI, because the protective functions of the immune system are reduced, and this is allergic rhinitis.

Therefore, if you often suffer from a runny nose and sore throat, it is better not to cancel them for a cold, you should come for a consultation with an allergist.

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