Home » today » Entertainment » Nominees for the “Great Kristaps” announced; costume designer Ieva Kundziņš / Article will be honored as a lifetime contribution

Nominees for the “Great Kristaps” announced; costume designer Ieva Kundziņš / Article will be honored as a lifetime contribution

On October 6, at a press conference at the Splendid Palace cinema, the nominees of the national film award “Lielais Kristaps” and the recipient of the lifetime award – costume designer Ieva Kundziņš will be honored for their contribution to cinema this year.

91 films were nominated for the National Film Prize “Kristaps the Great” in 2021, including: 8 feature films, 9 short feature films, 7 feature films, 20 full-length documentaries, 10 short documentaries, 7 animated films, 31 student films.

Director Dāvis Sīmanis’ feature film “The Year Before the War” received the most nominations – a total of 11. The second place according to the number of nominations is divided by three works – director Marta Elīna Martinson’s debut film “Tizlenes”, director Laila Pakalniņa’s film “Mirror” and multi-series film “Emīlija. Queen of the Latvian Press”. Director Dace Pūce’s debut film “Bedre” can be proud of 8 nominations, 6 nominations have been given to director Matiss Kaža’s film “Wild East. Where will the road lead”. In the documentary genre with 5 nominations, the film “Gorbachev. Paradise” by director Vitaly Manski stands out.

Nominees of the “Big Kristaps” award in 2021

Lifetime Achievement Award in Film Art

Costume designer Ieva Kundziņa

The best feature film

  • BEDRE, director Dace Pūce, producer Krisele Pudane, Marana Productions, co-producers Inland Film Company OY (FI)
  • A YEAR BEFORE THE WAR, director Dāvis Sīmanis, producer Roberts Vinovskis, Locomotive, co-producers Oil Kim (LT), Produced by Radim Prochazka (CZ),
  • IN THE MIRROR, director and producer Laila Pakalniņa, Company Hargla, co-producers Just A Moment (LT)
  • TIZLENES, director Marta Elīna Martinsone, producer Guntis Trekteris, Ego Media, co-producers Tet Studio (LV), 8Heads Productions (CZ)

The best short feature film

  • TRACKING ME, director Ilze Burkovska-Jakobsen, producer Guntis Trekteris, Ego Media, co-producers Bivrost Film (NO)
  • FLUTE, director Intars Rešetins, producer Sergejs Timoņins, Producers Association Spectrum
  • NEGAISS, director Jāzeps Podnieks, producer Daiga Livčāne, National Film School of the Latvian Academy of Culture

The best feature documentary

  • DELLE, director Andrejs Verhoustinskis, producer Bruno Aščuks, Centrums study
  • GORBAČOVS. PARADISE, director Vitalijs Manskis, producer Natalija Manska, Vertov, co-producers Movie Hypermarket (CZ)
  • UNSEEN, BRASA !, director Ivars Zviedris, producer Guntis Trekteris, Ego Media, co-producers Documentary filmmaker

The best short documentary

  • LORD OF THE BLACK STAR, directors Māris Maskalāns, Kristīne Garklāva, producer Sandijs Semjonovs, Skuba Movies, co – producer Latvijas Televīzija
  • UNDERSTANDED, director and producer Ivars Zviedris, Documentary filmmaker, co – producer Latvijas Televīzija
  • TRANSFER, director Pauls Ķesteris, producers Gints Grūbe, Inese Boka-Grūbe, Mistrus Media, co – producer Latvijas Televīzija
  • PROFESSOR AND GENA, director Elza Gauja, producer Daiga Livčāne, National Film School of the Latvian Academy of Culture

The best animated film

  • RETURN, director and producer Vladimir Leschov, Lunohod
  • ČUČI, ČUČI, director Māra Liniņa, producer Sabīne Andersone, Atom Art
  • DIENDUSA, director Nils Skapāns, producer Uldis Cekulis, VFS Films, co-producers Moon Makers (LT)
  • HONORARY GUARD, director Edmunds Jansons, producer Sabine Anderson, Atom Art
  • TRUBĀ, director and producer Jurģis Krāsons, Beautiful Limited

The best multi-series film

  • AGENCY, director Alvis Hermanis, producer New Riga Theater
  • EMILIA. THE QUEEN OF THE LATVIAN PRESS, directors Andis Mizišs, Kristīne Želve, Dāvis Sīmanis, Gints Grūbe, producers Gints Grūbe, Inese Boka-Grūbe, Mistrus Media, co-producers Tet Studio, Latvian Television
  • STAY NEGATIVE, directors Māris Lagzdiņš, Una Rozenbauma, producers Agate Prozoroviča, Māris Lagzdiņš, fon Films, co – producer Latvijas Televīzija

The best debut film

  • AGENCY, director Alvis Hermanis, producer New Riga Theater
  • TIZLENES, director Marta Elīna Martinsone, producer Guntis Trekteris, Ego Media, co-producers Tet Studio, 8Heads Productions (CZ)
  • FOR ONE ?, director Helēna Zīlīte, producer Vilis Brūveris, society Next

The best student film

  • THE BOOK OF HIGH WISDOM FROM THE WORLD AND NATURE. PART 1, director Lāsma Bērtule, producer Daiga Livčāne, National Film School of the Latvian Academy of Culture
  • FILM, director and producer Rūdolfs Anže, producer Deep Sea Studios, co – producer Baltic Film and Media School
  • MIA, director Emīls Alps, producer Daiga Livčāne, National Film School of the Latvian Academy of Culture
  • NEGAISS, director Jāzeps Podnieks, producer Daiga Livčāne, National Film School of the Latvian Academy of Culture
  • DEVILLION MILLIONARIANS, director Līva Polkmane, producer Daiga Livčāne, National Film School of the Latvian Academy of Culture
  • PROFESSOR AND GENA, director Elza Gauja, producer Daiga Livčāne, National Film School of the Latvian Academy of Culture

The best feature film director

  • Dace Owl (Better)
  • Dāvis Sīmanis (A year before the war)
  • Laila Pakalniņa (In the mirror)
  • Marta Elīna Martinsone (Kneel)

The best screenwriter

  • Dace Pūce, Monta Gāgane, Pēteris Rozītis (Better)
  • Dāvis Sīmanis, Tabita Rudzāte, Uldis Tīrons (A year before the war)
  • Ivo Briedis, Baņuta Rubess, Aiva Birbele, Tabita Rudzāte (Emilija. Queen of the Latvian Press)
  • Laila Pakalniņa (In the mirror)
  • Marta Elīna Martinsone (Kneel)

The best feature film operator

  • Aigars Sermūkšs (Kneel)
  • Alexander Grebnev (Wild East. Where will the road lead)
  • Andrejs Rudzāts (Emilija. Queen of the Latvian Press, Year Before the War)
  • Gatis Grīnbergs (Better)
  • Gints Bērziņš (In the Mirror)

The best actress in the lead role

  • Asnāte Sofija Rožkalne (Kneel)
  • Dace Everss (Better)
  • Guna Zariņa (Emilija. Queen of the Latvian Press)
  • Madeleine Waldberg (In the Mirror)

The best actor in the lead role

  • Peter Buchta (Year before the war)
  • Juris Bartkevičs (Emilija. Queen of the Latvian Press)
  • Lauris Dzelzitis (In the mirror)

The best actress in the background

  • Agnese Budovska (Wild East. Where will the road lead)
  • Baiba Broka (Emilija. Queen of the Latvian Press)
  • Elza Leimane (In the mirror)
  • Indra Burkovska (Better)

The best actor in the background

  • Egons Dombrovskis (Better)
  • Kaspars Zāle (Emilija. Queen of the Latvian Press)
  • Lauris Dzelzitis (A year before the war)
  • Willis Daugins (Wild East. Where will the road lead)

The best artist in the film

  • Aivars Zhukovskis (Kneel)
  • Aldis Meinerts (In the mirror)
  • Jurģis Krāsons (Wild East. Where will the road lead)
  • Kristīne Jurjāne (A year before the war)

The best costume designer

  • Aija Strazdiņa, Rūta Kuplā (Emilija. Queen of the Latvian Press)
  • Julia Volkinstein (Kneel)
  • Kristīne Jurjāne (A year before the war)
  • Līga Krāsone (Wild East. Where will the road lead)

The best makeup artist

  • Aija Beata Ryabovska (Year before the War)
  • Dzintra Bijubena (Wild East. Where will the road lead)
  • Vs. Tamara Koubova / Tamara Koubová, Zane Žilinska (Tizlenes)
  • Vivita Jansone (Emilija. Queen of the Latvian Press)

The best composer

  • Kārlis Auzāns (Emilija. Queen of the Latvian Press)
  • Paulius Kilbauskas / Vigints Kisevičs / Vygintas Kisevičius (In the Mirror)
  • Santa Ratniece (In natural light)
  • Walter Owl (Better)

The best sound director

  • Andris Barons (Pipe)
  • Anrijs Krenbergs (Gorbachev. Paradise)
  • Ģirts Bišs (Guard of honor)
  • Ernest Ansons (Everything blooms at once)
  • Saulius Urbanavičs / Saulius Urbanavicius (Year before the war)

The best editing director

  • Anna Ryndová (Year before the war)
  • Ieva Veiverite / Ieva Veiveryte (In the Mirror)
  • Madara Didrihsone (Kneel)
  • Eugene Ribalko (Gorbachev. Paradise)

Best documentary director

  • Andrejs Verhoustinskis (From the)
  • Ivars Zviedris (To the unseen, Brasa!)
  • Vitālijs Manskis (Gorbachev. Paradise)

The best documentary operator

  • Aleksandra Ivanova (COM)Gorbachev. Paradise)
  • Andrejs Rudzāts (Everything blooms at once)
  • Andrejs Verhoustinskis (From the)
  • Haralds Ozols, Ivars Zviedris (Unseen, Brasa!)
  • Valdis Celmins (I was born Rosellini)

The best animated film director

  • Edmunds Jansons (Guard of honor)
  • Nils Skapans (Dindusa)
  • Vladimir Leschov (Return)

The best animated film artist

  • Edmunds Jansons (Guard of honor)
  • Jurģis Krāsons (Pipe)
  • Vladimir Leschov (Return)
  • Ūna Laukmane (Squats, squats)

The most important event of the Latvian film industry, the national film award “Lielais Kristaps”, will take place shortly before Latvia’s Independence Day – from 11 to 15 November, both in the digital environment and in person, if the epidemiological situation in the country allows. Viewers will have the opportunity to watch award-winning films, new film premieres, student films, films for children, as well as meet with film authors.

In a solemn ceremony On November 14, awards for the best films and film production professionals in 25 categories will be presented, as well as an award for lifelong contribution to film art, juries and other special awards. Viewers will be able to watch the ceremony in person or in live broadcasts of the Latvian Television and public media portal LSM.lv.

The National Film Award “Lielais Kristaps” is organized by the association “Latvian Cinematographers’ Union” in cooperation with the National Cinema Center and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, supported by Riga City Council.

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