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Nokia announces mobile network on the moon

In a few years, astronauts will be able to take their cell phones with them when they go to the moon. Nokia says it is working on the construction of the first mobile network on the moon.

According to the Finnish manufacturer, the American space agency NASA has ordered the installation of 4G on the moon. The equipment for this should be brought to its destination with a lunar lander by the end of 2022.

NASA has been planning longer stays from people on the moon. Astronauts could use a 4G connection for remote control of carts, navigation and sending video images.


“Reliable and high-quality communication networks are essential for human life on the lunar surface,” said Nokia’s chief engineering officer. The US arm of the Finnish company will receive more than $ 14 million to build transmission equipment strong enough to withstand the journey through space and the conditions on the moon.

Reliability is also the reason that Nokia chooses to build 4G on the moon, and not the newer 5G. According to the Finns, the latter network has not yet proven itself enough in practice to function in space.

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