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Nokia announces event for presentation smartphones – Tablets and phones – News

USB ports still remain pain points in my opinion … I now (for the second time) have problems with a Sony Xperia X (and that of a Motorola G5S also seems to wear out), but also had problems with them in the past with the Nokia N900.

I would rather see Nokia buy Jolla and “take back” Sailfish (Sailfish is the spiritual successor to MeeGo, which was created by Nokia). The update problems that everyone complains about have been going on for years, it was already a drama with the Galaxy S3, in 2013.7 years later we are no further than that Nokia refuses to put things in order by obliging the manufacturers to purchase Android from updates, for at least 5 years. Jolla can do it with Sailfish, Microsoft has always done it with Windows.

In addition, the Play Store still remains full of junk and I am done with the privacy policy and being overloaded with advertisements (you are practically obliged to do something like blockade to install). A departing CEO once said about Android that it is like peeing your pants in winter. Ten years ago a funny statement, nowadays the sour reality: we “can” supposedly no longer without Android / iOS. Fortunately, Sailfish also offers support for Android apps, so you can move forward for the apps you cannot avoid.

The only disadvantage of Sailfish is that it has a very bad earnings model: apps do not ask for data, do not allow advertisements, are free and it is not possible to donate. I think the last two are fair and can be changed.

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